Texas Gov Exposes Biden Supply Chain Scandal - America FUMING

2 years ago

On Monday's transmission of the Fox Business Network's "Mornings with Maria," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ® asked ships trapped in the build-up off the shore of California to come to Texas and said they could come and dump in Texas more rapidly than they can in California.

Abbott said, "Tune in, in light of the principles and guidelines that exist in California, that is one justification for why you see the very nearly 100-day delay in ships having the option to go to port and dump and get those merchandise across the United States of America, leading to the issues that we find in the inventory network.

In only fourteen days, those equivalent boats could go through the Panama Canal and go to the

Houston Port and the Freeport Port in the State of Texas, dump, and be back in Asia before they would even be dumping in California.

Likewise, similarly as significant, the ports that we have in the State of Texas, they are open every minute of every day. Furthermore, in view of the focal area of the State of Texas and as a result of the expressways, the rail lines that we have, the merchandise they are looking to dump in California could be dumped in Texas and immediately scattered to areas across the whole nation, getting products out quicker at a lower cost. It simply bodes well.

Furthermore, why the Biden organization isn't utilizing sound judgment to diminish this production network challenge, it is disastrous it will cause a spike and expansion in the expense of this multitude of merchandise."

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