Nov 07'21_Overcoming our stagnation

2 years ago

As the horrors continue to be played against our communities, how can we move forward when we remain so divided? When everything seems so confusing?

Are there strategies that we can implement to support and save lives?

We are all in this together, are we strong enough to face truths?

Will we demand transparency and stand up to respecting our very own Chartered Rights and Freedoms?

What are your thoughts on having a National Congress impose an immediate mandate to investigate and prosecute the worst crimes?

Canadians continue to under-go crimes against humanity, those imposing illegally supportive legislation have have long since been notified. The time to end the atrocities through action is now.

This is our country and these are our lives.
Those enforcing rules that remove our rights to life and liberty can get off of our lawns...
There is strength in numbers friends!

To ensure peace we must dedicate ourselves to understanding issues and choosing to stand with confidence. Knowledge provides that. Truths and facts must be presented, openly debated and freely communicated. No more secrets. No more lies.
And no more memberships for me!

Looking beyond the mess we have been forced to create, our future presents decades of opportunity. Opportunities to correct the wrongs, to preserve and save land and lives. Including our own.
I'm not sure about you, but I refuse to be paid to play by a system that has been designed to disregard life and the living.

A little kindness in this world goes a long way so do what you can to share the love and keep your eyes and mind focused on a better tomorrow.

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