The Befuddling Puddle Jumper - AOWS SHORTS

2 years ago

It is borderline profane to hike in the rain and completely refrain from a jump in a puddle or two. Puddles might befuddle those who lack the grace to embrace a hearty jump, but for those who do, who see a good splash as a victory dance, rain is a chance to romance with showers from heaven. A puddle is a canvas waiting for the artist to shape an instant of revelry.

Sara Longlegs is a puddle jumper through and through, orange and blue! Her heart is pure and her aim is true. She is a befuddling puddle jumper, with joy in every splash!

Puddle Jumping

Days of rain,
Our mothers forbade, in vain,
Our getting wet.
If there was water on the ground,
It was a sure bet
That we would soon be found
Jumping mud puddles.
Mud puddles are not mud at all.
Mud only muddles
The water a bit – the rest is pure rainfall.
And what’s the use of heaven pumping and dumping
All that rain, if nobody’s jumping?
Not to jump seemed a sin,
Not over, but in,
Right smack in the center!
Position of the feet was the key,
Knowing how to enter
With complete authority,
So that most of the water splashed sideways
Instead of filling our shoes.
Sure, our mothers made us pay our dues,
But we still got the best of rainy days.

~ Daniel F Mitchell

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