What To Include On Your Website - Build In These 5 Things Into Your Biz Website! @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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Show Notes:

- Online business guide (free download!): 7 Steps To Profits! https://www.tentononline.com/7-steps-to-profits/

- Domain registration: https://10tn.tips/domain

- Solid web hosting (with discount!): https://10tn.tips/hosting

- Business-grade email: https://10tn.tips/email

- Best email marketing service: https://10tn.tips/email-marketing

- Best website builder: https://10tn.tips/web-builder

- Top web and marketing tools and services: https://10tn.tips/tools

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what to include on your website

There are five crucial, vital, critical items to include on your online business website...that most people miss...and the first one is to clearly tell us, right off the bat, WHO you are and WHAT you do.

Keep it short. "I help stay at home parents," "We help law clerks who...," "I save kittens from..." Put this at the top of your home page, stated clearly. Put it in your email signature. Put it in your social media bio.

This way, anyone who lands on your website, receives an emil from you, or who's handed your business card isn't scratching their head going, "I have no idea what they do or why I should care."

Next, your website's gotta have SEO-targeted content -- that is, articles, pages, blog posts, and whatever else that you've carefully put together to target keywords to show up in search results. By far, this is the easiest, lowest-cost way to start bringing traffic to your website, your offers, and into your business.

There's an entire industry of overpriced and inaccurate tools and services around SEO, but trust me, you're more than capable of handling all this yourself. You just need to know a few simple basics. Check out some of my other content to help get you started.

The third thing your business website needs -- like, yesterday! -- is a mailing list. You've GOTTA have a mailing list for your business. Your mailing list contains the contact information for people who have shown interest in what you're doing. And that's huge.

A strong, active mailing list becomes your online business's main distribution channel -- a channel that you own and control yourself. Now, the worst way to try to grow a mailing list is to have a box on your website that says, "Sign up for our newsletter."

That sucks because it's boring and there's no incentive. Why would anyone bother signing up? What big, exciting promise is being made? Instead, the best approach is to offer them something of value in exchange for their email address. This is called an opt-in or a lead magnet.

Offer them a report, a free video, or a short ebook. These work great. Again, check out some of my other posts to help get you started with this stuff.

Another component your website's gonna need is, of course, your contact info. In other words, make sure visitors have a way to contact you. Depending on the kind of business you're running, this could be prominently displayed at the top of your website, or it might be buried a little.

For a hair salon or airport shuttle service's website, displaying the contact information boldly is, of course, very important. But in my case, I had to bury my contact info because I was getting inundated with email from complete strangers -- non-customers -- who simply wanted free help. Handle this as you see fit.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, your website needs a clear way to buy whatever it is that you're selling. I see this so often, both online and offline...where businesses make it very difficult to understand what's being sold and how we can buy it.

Don't make us solve a riddle or decode a clever message here. Instead, your visitors have gotta know at a glance. Remember, just like you, your visitors are very busy, stressed, and totally pre-occupied. So keep everything simple and clear.


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