The Other Side of Bill Gates

2 years ago

Bill Gates and the global elites are in Singapore for the Bloomberg Economic Forum.

While here on our shores, it is reported in the Straits Times "Responding to Mr Micklethwait's point that even in Singapore where the Government has done a good job in controlling the pandemic, there remain 60,000 people who refused to be vaccinated, Mr Gates quipped that resisters should be caned: "You would have thought they had a lash for these people."

Since last night, I have submitted a police report and a CPIB report on Bill Gates for his potential influence on domestic politics as a foreigner.
Bill Gates owns vaccine patents and multiple biotech companies eg. Moderna and Pfizer and has shares in these companies. He has everything to gain when people take his vaccines.

Yet, he is influencing our politicians, our policies, and public opinion by commenting on our domestic affairs, how we should govern our country and our people. Please investigate him on FICA and the ministers that he is influencing who are pushing these vaccines unto the public, with little regard for public health safety.

Worldwide, we know that there are lawsuits for safety breaches re the vaccines and people, lawyers and doctors and nurses are marching against these insane mandates everywhere.
Since Nov 10th, Dr IW Yang has been whistle-blowing about the current Vaccines.

On 13th Nov, he warns that Pfizer has been falsifying data, as reported in the British Medical Journal to fool us into thinking that the vaccines are safe.

We will be sharing the various police reports made in the last few months regarding this issue.

I believe that our country is under threat by foreign players right now. From Youtube to Big Pharma who are eyeing our people and our children.
In another ST's article
The reporter cautioned and asked " Why is our government going ahead to purchase these Pfizervaccines before the trial is completed? What if they don't pass the safety trail?"

We, the concerned citizens of Singapore would like to urge the Singapore Police Force to please investigate Bill Gates while he is here in Singapore in our event which we hope will seek clarifications about Bill Gates, his intentions and plans in Singapore.

We hope that the public can be here to find out about the OTHER SIDE OF BILL GATES in our event.

This event will be a few parts.
3p.m - First screening of the award winning documentary Plandemic.
5p.m - Second Screening of the award winning documentary Plandemic.
7p.m - Third Screening of the award winning documentary Plandemic, followed by a zoom event to update the public about the police reports that Singaporeans have made on Bill Gates, Pfizer and MOH etc etc.
You don't want to miss this. FIND THE TRUTH. Together we will heal the divide in our country.

With the kind assistance of lawyer MRavi , a Constitutional Challenge was filed in the Supreme Court of Singapore on the evening of 16th November against Covid 19 measures that are in violation of Article 9 (1) of the Singapore Constitution, Chapter 14 of ASEAN Charter on Human Rights which Singapore is signatory and taking a lead, Universal Declaration of Human Rights which prohibit Genocide or Crime Against Humanity under Singapore's Geneva Convention Act 1957.
We hope to restore Truth, Justice and Equality back to our beloved country.

You don't want to miss this event. It will be live-streamed on our website as well.

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