QUEENSLANDERS: Yeppoon Council Meeting re: Proposed dec 17th mandates.

2 years ago

Special Council Meeting | 18 November 2021 | Livingstone Shire Council

Yeppoon council have passed a motion to send a strong message to the premier that their business community and greater community don’t agree with the proposed dec 17th mandates.

COPIED - QLD Australia!!

We need to tell the council loud & Clear

Urgent.. To all Queenslanders. Have just found out from our local council that the QLD GOV is currently taking a survey from EVERY QLD council to see how many people are contacting their council to object to the mandate. They have NOT let the people know so the survey will show no objection. Contact everyone you know who objects and tell them to contact their council. Email each councillor. It takes 10mins. Now is the open door to act and get choice back in our country. Please take this seriously. We have been involved in the proceedings up here and it takes persistent fighting. Make your voice heard. The mandate in NOT law yet. Don't let it get that far. This IS LEGAL and safe to do..

Awesome reply back to your council:
Hi xxx,
I appreciate your response and have already contacted both my State and Federal members. I would like to bring your attention to Yeppoon council. They have passed a motion to send a strong message to the premier that their business community and greater community don’t agree with the proposed December 17th mandates. Here is the video recording of the meeting. I feel strongly that this is something that the xxxx Council should also do.
Kind regards


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