3732, Worldwide Anger Mounts Towards Forced Treatments!!, 3732

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the pandemic.

Although more YouTubers are having their channels shuttered for daring to criticize a certain controversial treatment for a certain rampant disease, many people around the world are getting the message anyway – that these treatments are basically experimental and they have been the not fully-informed subjects of what are essentially medical experiments.

So news reports have learned to speak in broad generalities in order to still continue to get some form of truth out there.

In Parma, Italy last weekend, hundreds, if not thousands took to the streets bearing large, color photos of loved ones who they claim had fallen victim to this controversial treatment.

They marched solemnly through central Parma, chanting the names of those lost.


As of Oct. 29,183 people have been killed and over 2.7 million injured in Europe alone by whatsome believe is post treatment, sudden-onset disease.

Also last week in South Korea, relatives of the recently deceased shaved their heads as a sign of sacrificial morning for their loved ones who died shortly after taking the treatment.

South Korea has extraordinarily high rates of submitting to these treatments – 83% of the population has. However in the past 24 hours alone, after taking the treatment - there was a record high of 5,352 cases of the disease which the treatment was supposed to prevent, as well as 70 deaths. Both are one-day record highs for this nation less than 1/6th of the size of the United States.

The Korean government, like many others worldwide, are becoming more and more draconian. All international visitors over the next two weeks must be quarantined for at least 10 days. Can you imagine arriving fresh off the airplane and then have to endure 10 days of isolation in some Korean quarantine facility. I’m pretty sure that very few will be visiting South Korea any time soon.

Perhaps the worst nation on the planet for locking down their citizenry is the unlikely nation of Australia.

Those who refuse to take the treatment are being confined in essentially concentration camp trailer parks and are not allowed to step off their trailer’s porch or face a $5,000 fine.


And the Aussies have discovered what their government has planned for them in the future – 7 years of booster treatments – one per month for 7 years.


Jumpin Joe Biden would love nothing better than to have all Americans refusing to take the treatment given this sort of treatment, however federal judges of the United States are now taking the preservation of freedom upon their own shoulders and have issued one ruling against forced compliance after another, keeping even the knowledge of this sort of fate far from the American public.

I’m still reporting from just outside the soon-to-be restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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