Vaccinologist & immunologist Geert Vanden Bossche explains why the COVID jabs are harmful

2 years ago

This innate immunity can be suppressed very easily by yourself or by, for example, living an unhealthy lifestyle. It is very clear that there is a very strong correlation between a healthy lifestyle and innate immunity.

But, of course, it is much worse with the COVID-19 vaccines. The COVID-19 vaccines suppress innate immunity. The innate immunity consists of, among other things, innate antibodies: antibodies that one receives at birth. Those innate antibodies are able to neutralize a multitude of variants, in fact all coronaviruses. Those antibodies contribute to sterilizing immunit. Herd immunity that is achieved as a result.

The COVID-19 vaccines induce antibodies that specifically target the spike protein, but are able to outcompete the innate antibodies. Your innate antibodies are outcompeted and instead you get antibodies that are no longer able to completely neutralize the virus. We see more and more that resistance is emerging. I have always said in my speeches, and also demonstrated, that the resistance is the result of the mass vaccination we are carrying out.

Secondly, these vaccinal antibodies suppress the innate antibodies. The innate antibodies are able to achieve sterilizing immunity and thereby herd immunity. The vaccine antibodies are not. The vaccinal antibodies contribute 0 to herd immunity, because they cannot limit the transmission of the virus. That is now well known. So equating herd immunity with a percentage of people who are vaccinated is scientifically total nonsense.

What is the consequence? Let's look at the kids first. The children are crammed full of innate antibodies that are highly functional. They're effective against a multitude of viruses, not only coronaviruses, but a number of other respiratory viruses as well. The disadvantage is that these antibodies are quite inexperienced in children. We call this 'immunologically naive' in our jargon, because they have not yet come into contact with pathogens, with germs.

Because their innate antibodies are naive, they can very easily be outcompeted by the vaccination antibodies. In other words, when we start vaccinating children, we are going to let their most precious gift from nature, their innate antibodies, compete with antibodies that are induced by the vaccine and are really worth next to nothing, because we see that the resistance of the virus continues to increase.

Again, a child's innate antibodies can neutralize all variants, and what's even more dramatic, these antibodies also recognize other viruses. So by suppressing these antibodies by vaccinating children, we're also going to have antibodies that are capable of taking some other viruses that don't normally cause childhood illnesses — for example, the flu, for example RSV. In other words, we're going to make the children more sensitive — not just to COVID-19, because there will be resistance anyway — but also to other respiratory viruses to which they are normally resistant in a natural way and so by definition these viruses do not cause disease in children.

Even worse, these antibodies — all of which has been scientifically proven — also prevent the immune system from recognizing its own tissues. They protect against autoimmune disease. By suppressing these antibodies, we will see more and more autoimmune diseases in children.

By the way, the famous myocarditis — because I'm not even talking about the myriad of side effects that such vaccines can cause — but the myocarditis in question —

I received a message yesterday from a 7-year-old child who is dying of myocarditis as a result of the vaccination. There is mounting evidence that may indicate that this is an autoimmune reaction.


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