In 78 Countries Hindus Are The Richest Ethnic Community Because Of Hindu Ecosystem! SPH Nithyananda

2 years ago

In 78 Countries Hindus Are The Richest Ethnic Community Because Of Hindu Ecosystem! SPH Nithyananda

Not just in Canada or in United States of America more than 78 countries Hindus are the richest ethnic community paying the largest amount of tax ratio of the population. For example, if you see the population and the tax contribution Hindus are not just richest highest tax contributors to Canada the richest ethnic community and highest ethnic community contributing tax to Canada same way highest taxpayers in U highest taxpayers in London in Trinidad Tobago in Australia.

Whether contributing to the country or contributing to the world Hindu ecosystem does the best in every level Hindu ecosystem has the highest utility value.

Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JagatGuru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam #Kailasa #HinduNation

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