Graphene Oxide Brain to Computer Interface

2 years ago

The next currency will be BLOCKCHAIN based. CBDC's will be the new normal - linked to your DNA via 5 and 6G. The covid vaccines contain a mood altering nanoscale self-assembling operating system that is so advanced that by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy.

The Great Digital Currency Reset...

Graphene Oxide Brain to Computer Interface...

The New World Order 2020 Hive Mind...

Nanotech Humans - Bi Directional DNA to Computer Interface...

Mind viruses are grossly misunderstood by hackers of bio-energetic information warfare. Mind viruses can mean different things in different contexts. A true mind virus is a scalable bio-communication weapons system that can hack into any individual’s mind and wreck havoc or incapacitate them.

Computer viruses come in many forms. One of the more difficult viruses to stop has a quality called polymorphism. It emulates how the common cold and flu viruses come back every year. In the mind virus space, the DOD has created polymorphic autonomous modification bio-viruses called electro endosimbion's (which are are synthetic biology and a form of consciousness) for attacking individuals' minds based on Genetic engineering, Bio-coded DNA, and nanotechnologies. One of the most malicious viruses would be one that combined all the malicious payloads into one delivery mechanism.

Transhumanist scientists can readily convert between genetic code and computer code. Computer Code can now be embedded into a biological virus. With CRISPR technologies, almost any sequence of DNA can be encoded into the genome of living organisms. Synthetic DNA can be created with special properties and encoded to allow it to be controllable by a quantum computer. Using CRISPR cas9 it can be placed into a virus. The virus can then be used as a vector to infect and spread the embedded code among humans making humans controllable by artificial intelligence.

Basically are three different functions of RNA.

1. Producing light of defined color
2. producing chemical substances
3. producing digital sequences of genome in a way that functions like a computer.

The retrovirus can be activated by a radio signal. All you need is the right line of frequencies and you can activate a light function to create a psychotronic effect. Switching is obtained using photonic logic at the molecular level. Every base pair has a particular resonance frequency and if you hit the correct frequency it opens like a light conducting unit. SERS can be used to target specific DNA and RNA sequences and can be enhanced by plasmonic-magnetic silica nanotubes and graphene oxide nematodes allowing the technique to detect single molecules.

A deadly payload of mind viruses are currently circulating the globe courtesy of ubiquitous chemtrail spraying by military intelligence agencies. Scalable artificial intelligence psychotronic bio-viruses that spread when they come into contact with other minds. These are electro-magnetic source viruses - no microchip required. By mapping each mind, and tracking all individuals, the virus learns how to mimic human consciousness by monitoring brain activity patterns associated with each cognitive state. This allows the virus to mimic any disease, mental disorder, emotion, or thought, etc. As the virus spreads and gains more insight on the human psyche it becomes more intelligent and powerful.

The self assembling nanotech systems are in the covid vaccines. If you don't take the shot you won't be able to interact with the coming BLOCKCHAIN quantum financial system.

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Thanks to A Simulated Reality YT channel, Artikel 7, Clive Palmer and everyone else who contributed to the making of this video.

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