2 years ago

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko - Makes a Clear and Expanded Easy to Understand Discussion
Pioneer in Early Treatments of Covid19
He says he is not Anti Vaccine he is Anti Stupid
In his case "necessity is the mother of invention"
With an elderly population in his care some 35,000 people in a very crowded area; Dr Zelenko adopted a common sense approach.
1.0 Risk Stratification
Note: It is unbelievable that this has not been conveyed by Health Authorities
2.0 Treat Early - Don't wait for the patients to get so sick that they need to go to Hospital.
Note: It is also unbelievable this has not been conveyed by Health Authorities
What we have seen is the exact opposite in Australia
Australia's TGA and AHPRA are preventing Doctors from providing genuine individual risk benefit assessments with the Clinical Trial Vaccines.
Australia's TGA and AHPRA are preventing Doctors from providing Early Treatments using safe and effective Medications
The following Peer Reviewed Protocol in use in the US and across the globe is blocked by the Australian Health Authorities - see protocols found here :
Australia's TGA and AHPRA are seizing Doctors medical records and "Hunting" Australian Doctors preventing them from preventing harm to the Australian Population from Covid19 and MORE SO from Government Covid19 Policies.
3.0 Look at what stops the Virus from Replicating
Dr Zelenko points out Covid19 and many other viruses are RNA viruses and that Zinc blocks the RNA replication (including that of Influenza Virus).
Dr Zelenko uses the metaphors of Zinc as the Bullets and Zinc Ionophores as the Gun
Two safe and effective decades old medications that act as Zinc Ionophores are HCQ and Ivermectin (Both Blocked and made illegal by the TGA headed by John Skerritt.
There are two commonly over the counter Zinc Ionophores (not yet blocked by John Skerritt or the TGA ; Quercetin and ECGC).
When asked the relative effectiveness of the Zinc Ionophores (Blocked and not Blocked by the TGA) Dr Zelenko rated the unblocked ones as 22 calibre versus the HCQ and Ivermectin which he rates as a machine gun.

The clinical results obtained by Dr Zelenko and hundreds of doctors around the globe are using early treatment protocols are presenting of the order of 10 times more effective than the "standard" of care being recommended by World Health Authorities including our Australian Health Authorities.

Dr Zelenko then takes off the gloves and takes aim at the Health Authorities and Key figures within the health Authorities and Pharmaceutical Companies.
Dr Ralph Baric comes immediately to Dr Zelenko's mind
He does not Trust the NIH
He does not Trust the FDA
The Government Bodies made this virus, made the "anti-dote" and Vilified the Early Treatments

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