Denied and Extorted: Prince Edward Island Health Nazis Close Province to Unvaccinated Canadians

2 years ago

Prince Edward Island, October 6, 2021.

This video was filmed as part of a 40 day coast to coast road trip my wife and I took in our Toyota Corolla. PEI denied us access and forced us to pay $50 because we refused to show proof of vaccination. Before leaving home, I did some research on the various webpages of the provinces and found that certain provinces were requiring a 14 day quarantine for unvaccinated citizens. We had enough food to quarantine for 14 days in the back country. Sure, I could have put off the trip, but an opportunity like this might only come once in a lifetime. I had some time off work, the car serviced and ready to go, and it was time to go. Now or never. Logically, the health authorities should not bother us. We spent most days of the trip in rural towns or in the mountains camping alone. We were less likely to catch the dreaded Covid 19 than the average city dweller. Of course as we know and would further confirm on this trip, there is nothing logical about the Covid restrictions. The restrictions are made to terrorize the poor and middle class while giving the government endless power.

It should be noted we had no issue crossing into any other province. From the moment we crossed Confederation Bridge we were told it was illegal to film. I must ask why you would not be able to film your government unless they are ashamed of what they are doing. These people are used to censoring any opinion they don't like and weak Canadians who don't know their rights. It just goes to show that nothing is free in this world. If you want to keep your rights, you have to fight for them tooth and nail. Whether something is illegal or not is ultimately irrelevant if people just go along with tyranny.

They kept asking me time and time again to share my vaccination status. They were downright obsessed with it. After being asked the same thing 30 times, it wears you down and that is their intention. It was just like we were at another country's border. I always respond that I am vaccinated, but am not required to show proof of vaccination to anybody. I wish more conservatives who were vaccinated would do the same. We expect liberals to be okay with totalitarian rule, but it has been sad to see so few conservatives standing in solidarity with unvaccinated Canadians.

I can proudly say I was not aware of their "Prince Edward Island Pass" because the entire notion I would need anything to travel within my own country is absurd. There was no sign on the highway nor on the bridge and they claim I should have made myself aware of the restrictions by reading their website. This is wrong because it discriminates against people who don't have a computer, internet access or a desire to be a slave to technology. I would claim that two laws are broken here. One, not allowing freedom of mobility to citizens and two, not making sufficient effort to ensure people are informed.

Apart from wanting to know my vaccination status, they demanded to know the name, phone number, and address of the people we would be staying with. They told me I could not isolate alone on Crown Land, despite that being the option where we would have the least contact with people.

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