Cats 101 Basic Cat Training Tips

2 years ago

In today's video, we will discuss some basic cat training tips.

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Cats are very independent animals, and many cat owners will tell you that it is this independence that makes them very comfortable companions around the house. Cats do not require as much attention as dogs. And unlike dogs, most cats will not make any special effort to gain your approval. They will often wait for you to come to them, rather than running around trying to catch your eye.

All this means that cats are polite, self-owning and very easy-going creatures. But it also means that training your cat may be difficult. If you and your cat don't see eye to eye on certain types of behavior, you may have a hard time getting him to do things your way. But don't give up hope. It is not completely impossible to change your cat's behavior.

Perhaps the first training you want to give your cat is to use the toilet, for very obvious reasons.

Can you train a cat to do this? The answer is an unequivocal "yes," but it must be done in the cat's language. Everything in this video is designed to help you see the world from the cat's point of view. This is an important key to training. You can train your cat to jump through hoops and roll over on command. However, a more valuable training goal is to teach him to stay within the bounds of socially acceptable behavior.

Peeing training.

Training a cat to use the toilet is usually not difficult. Cats are generally naturally clean and have a natural tendency to bury litter. Use these steps to train your cat to start using the toilet.

Place the cat and a clean litter box in a small area, like a room in your home. Make sure your cat has plenty of food and clean water. If your cat goes outside the box, put the litter in the toilet.

Typically, cats will start using the litter box regularly within a day or two of being confined to it. If the cat doesn't use the box within a few days, try this: if the cat does not use the box within a few days, put it in the litter box. When the cat has finished eating, place the cat in the litter box and scratch the cat's surface slightly with your fingertips.

If this does not solve the problem, make sure the box is clean. If it has been used before, clean it with baking soda and fill it with clean litter. You can also try several different types of litter. Cats may perk up with one brand and turn up their noses with another. Also, make sure the box is in a quiet, secluded area.

If nothing seems to be working, consult your vet. Occasionally, an underlying medical problem can cause a cat to hesitate to use the litter box.

End Furniture Scratching.

Furniture scratching is a natural behavior of cats. They scratch to trim their claws, get exercise, and mark their territory. It is simply for fun. Remember, yelling and hitting will not work. Instead, try these tips.

Trim your cat's claws and direct its energy to a scratching post or cardboard scratching pad. Admire your cat and give her a treat whenever you see her using the scratch post. Make upholstered furniture less attractive by applying double-sided tape or spraying cat repellent on areas where cats scratch.

Behavior training.

If your cat is doing something you really don't want it to do, you may be able to train it to behave badly. First, however, try to understand why your cat is behaving the way it is. There is a reason. Of course, from the cat's point of view, the behavior is perfectly reasonable.

For example, if a cat is pulling on your furniture, it is driven by instinct. It needs to pull something, it's a survival instinct. It does not have to be furniture, but it is something. So there is not much chance that the cat will stop chewing. However, you can train your cat to focus its claw instinct on an acceptable object, such as scratching a post.

Use positive reinforcement, not punishment, to train your cat to behave appropriately. Do not hit the cat when it scratches the furniture.

Cat Scratching Post.

Spend time near the post encouraging your cat to interact with it. Play with your cat near the post and incorporate it into your play. The most important step is to reward your cat every time it uses the post. Have some tasty food nearby and give it to the cat every time you see it scratching the post. Once your cat has used the scratching post you provided, you can teach him or her that others are off-limits.

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