mRNA Scientist Says Omicron Looks Like Something Vaccinologist Would Design on Purpose

2 years ago

Vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone believes there is some very good news emerging from the rapid spread of the corona virus, suggesting that God may have given the world a “Christmas present” in the form of the omicron variant.

Malone helped invent the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

Appearing on the Fox News program “The Ingraham Angle,” he said omicron may well do what vaccines have not been able to fully accomplish to date: provide strong immunity.

“Omicron blows right through the vaccines and through the triple jab,” Malone said, referring to the two-round initial shots and the booster. “Omicron is very, very infectious and the data are already in that both the double and triple vaccination is not protecting you from omicron.

“Now, here’s the good news,” he continued. “The number of deaths from omicron worldwide is less than 10 to my last count.”

“If you believe in a God, this looks an awful lot like a Christmas present,” Malone said, pointing out that rather than going into the deep lungs as delta and other variants do, which can lead to serious illness, omicron has shifted to the upper airway, indicating that the virus is weakening.

A study out of South Africa showed patients admitted to hospitals during the country’s omicron-dominant fourth wave of COVID-19 were 73 percent less likely to have severe disease than patients admitted during the delta-dominant third wave.

In the U.S., Bloomberg reported, “a string of new studies has confirmed the silver lining of the omicron variant: Even as case numbers soar to records, the numbers of severe cases and hospitalizations have not.”

Monica Gandhi, an immunologist at the University of California, San Francisco, told Bloomberg, “I hope this variant creates profound immunity in the population.”

“It will hopefully end the pandemic.”

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