Tucker Blasts Ted Cruz and Merrick Garland, 3758

2 years ago


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Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup against America, the land of the free.

Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity are the three greatest reporters of our era, perhaps of all time. Of course, reporters of yesteryear didn’t have the network of resources that Fox’s Big-Three evening lineup have at their disposal, but this type of news gathering, news writing, and news delivery in a special skill for special people.

But on top of that, the 5-days-a week, sometimes 12-hour days is a grind, and it’s a grind that you have to devote yourself to. I’ve been a reporter for a long time, and I still wonder, “am I gonna devote myself to the news business for the rest of my life?”

Our pastor last Sunday provided a hint. He said some of us are blessed

by having been given an assignment by God. And like it or not, if we want to stay on the path He has laid out for us, our assignment is ours to keep unless or until the Holy Spirit lets us know that our assignment has changed.

So that’s where I am, and that’s where these three superior reporters are as well. Like it or not this is what we were birthed for and everyone watching this broadcast can see the reason.

The United States is not only the last bastion of freedom – it’s the only bastion of freedom. But today, the United States of America is in trouble. It used to be that exposing a lying politician made you a hero – at least for a day – in any newsroom across the fruited plains. It used to be that politicians used to dread being caught by a fearless reporter in some bald-faced lie. It could run them out of the governmental gravy train.

But today, fearless reporting is growing more and more scarce. It’s been mostly run off of the big social media platforms just when America needs it the most. And it’s all but disappeared off of radio, TV, and print reporting as the titans of the New World Order shut down all but the compliant.

Tucker, Hannity and Laura, are the shineyest exceptions to the new lockdown media. Hannity nearly disqualifies himself from this elite group by his constant interruptions of his guests to rattle off one of his many mind-numbing lists. But as aggravating as that is, he still is present every night hammering it out for the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Yesterday Tucker distinguished himself by taking on both our totalitarian puppet Attorney General, and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas with a fearless precision unmatched in my lifetime.

This guy is coming after Beth and I – and probably Molly and Bella too. And if he doesn’t actually arrest us, he’s gonna make us think twice before we question the legitimacy of Jump Joe Biden, the pretender in chief.

Well, we aren’t giving in. If Tucker can hold the line, we will too. We’ll never stop talking about this nation’s most obvious – but maybe not the first – fake election, from internet-connected voting machines, to millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots, to not having to prove your identity in order to vote for President.

And don’t get me started on the pandemic – from it’s mandated mask-wearing which flies in the face of dozens of studies proving they don’t word, to weak, hastily put together, so-called vaccines which don’t stop the spread of the virus, they actually cause more of it!

Meanwhile, back on the Tucker:

Last night, Tucker had Ted Cruz on to rebut whatever he wanted, but before we run that, here’s why both Beth and I don’t trust Ted Cruz. At the Iowa caucuses of 2016, one of the early events of the Presidential Primary season, a deep-state, covert operator working on the campaign staff of Cruz, deliberately spread the carefully-coordinated rumor that Dr. Ben Carson, who was leading Cruz in the polling, but still behind Donald Trump, had returned home and was dropping out of the race, and Carson believed that all caucus goers vote for Ted Cruz.

This notorious dirty trick worked to perfection. Many of the Carson delegates did switch their votes to Cruz. But there was just one small problem, friends had successfully hacked into one of the Cruz campaign’s communication devices and so we had a heads up what was happening in real time as the ruse was playing out. Now, we are small players, but Fox News was also tipped off and so the next day the plot was fully exposed and Cruz had to make a public apology for his secret spy’s piece of political tradecraft.

This and many other telling slipups by Cruz had made Beth and I completely distrust him. In recent years, Cruz has been helpful to President Trump, but we always suspected that the old snake in the grass, Ted Cruz, was just lying in wait for his next shot at the White House. So tell us whether you find the rebuttal of Sen. Cruz was believable in the comments section.

Please remember, we have been booted off of YouTube and need your support more than ever before. Please consider making a one-time, or a sustaining monthly donation to any one of these three outlets to benefit this channel.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day!

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