Fearing The 7 Trumpets Indicates You Recognize Your Need Of A Savior - Revelation Study (60 of 105)

2 years ago

Seven Trumpets Part 6 - Revelation Study

That’s precisely why I say the great tribulation is going to be the worst of times and the best of times, all at the same time. God will give his people strength to do the impossible. Look at this through the eyes of Caleb and Joshua. Don’t look at this through the eyes of the ten other spies. When they entered the Promised Land, the ten looked at the challenges before them through human eyes, and they came back and gave a faithless report to Israel. That made God angry. But Caleb and Joshua looked through the eyes of faith and they said, surely this is a good land that the Lord is delighted to give us. We can take it because he will give us the strength to do it.

If that is your spiritual experience right now, you're on your way to being prepared for what is about to occur. There is no experience like living by faith. And that's why Jesus says to the Church in Laodicea, I counsel you to buy from me gold tried in the fire. God wants us to live by faith. We needed to undertake some faith projects and we need to undertake some faith adventures so that we can see and experience and know that God is real.

As you understand the great tribulation and come to understand what God has to do in order to save the maximum number of people, your joy and your understanding of what he's about to do will only increase; and the fear will begin to subside. Sure, we're all human...sure, we're all going to be overwhelmed at first, because who can approach him? To fall into the hands of the Living God is the most fearful thing; so I want to encourage you to put in the eyes of Caleb and Joshua. I want you to understand that God will give you every strength you need and if it's his will you survive, fine! If it's his will that you perish, fine! Either way, it’s ok—because he's coming back and he's going to gather up his children either way.

Visit our website for more in-depth articles and videos about what God is doing. You’ll be amazed at the effort God exerts to save you and me!


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