When The 4th Seal Breaks The Great Tribulation Will Begin. Get Ready! - Revelation Study (30 of 105)

2 years ago

Seven Seals Part 18 - Revelation Study

The judgement of the living is about to begin! The fourth seal is the next one to be opened, and when the fourth seal breaks the Great Tribulation begins. The third seal merges the doctrine of soul-sleep, the cleansing of Heaven's temple, the worthiness of Jesus, and the pre-event judgment, into one comprehensive prophetic fulfillment. The scales in the in the hand of the rider on the horse, indicate, the judgment of mankind has arrived.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 says “God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.” remember the mysterious word written on the wall at Belshazzar’s feast? Daniel told the Babylonian king, you have been weighed on the scales—weighed in the balance—and found short. You haven't been living up to all that you know is right, that's what this means in plain Greek.

In 1844, Jesus began weighing the actions of dead individuals with what they knew was right. Perhaps Jesus began cleansing heavens temple with Abel, the first man to die. And for the past 161 years, Jesus has been reviewing and passing judgment on each dead person. of course, Jesus doesn’t need 161 years to judge the records of the dead, but the Angels and the 24 elders need this lengthy period of time; the angels and the elders are getting a college education—a master's degrees, if you will—on the dimensions of God's ways, his character, and his government. They’ve never seen anything like this. They are studying, observing, and learning about God’s Constitution, his branches of government, His grace and wisdom, his mercy, and most of all: that love is the balance between mercy and the Justice.

Their lectures include real time investigations of dead people, and real time applications of God's justice and mercy. Every life record presented before Jesus, and all watching host of billions of angels, is a unique story. Your life, my life, every life, is a unique story; even our DNA is unique.

Visit our website for more in-depth articles and videos about what God is doing. You’ll be amazed at the effort God exerts to save you and me!


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