Exclusive Interview: Dr. George Calhoun on China's Mysteriously Low Covid Deaths

2 years ago

The Chinese Communist Party is well known now for its coverups of the situation in Wuhan, during the 2020 outbreak. One of the ongoing mysteries of the day is how many people actually died in Wuhan. Today, China officially reports only 4,636 deaths. In fact, that number has remained quite similar all throughout April 2020 until now.
Experts have questioned the authenticity of that number. Given, it’s a rather statistical impossibility given China’s high population. And the CCP’s response is to tout its pandemic system called “zero covid”.
Today, as the situation in Tianjin, Xi’an, and cities in Henan worsen, the lockdown-focused model of fighting the pandemic cannot contain the virus infection in China. It also begs the question, was China really that successful in containing the virus from spreading?
Today I got the opportunity to sit down with Dr. George Calhoun, Director of Quantitative Finance and the Hanlon Financial Center at the Stevens Institute of New Jersey. He wrote a three-part commentary on Forbes.com questioning the statistical impossibility of China’s COVID-19 death count.

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