Robert Service's poems United Ordinary Man and the Rolling Stone.

2 years ago

On September 13, 1942. The last born son of Uncle Sam and my mother Mary I was birthed into this world. Winston McKinney Please call me Bud.
My creator was a "BINARY" male and female unit working in agreement
to become one again for the sixth time. I had 5 older siblings.
Not White or Blue Collar But Blackfoot Redneck.
I am the last of six and the fleshy temple singing is My first fruit of six children from two marriages. First and Last. A+ my blood type Bob's is O+ Alpha & Omega
Robert A McKinney We always addressed as Bob. His upbringing from the age of 4 was cultured as a Native Blackfoot in Skullyville county Oklahoma.
I am making a special appearance Hosted by the "Great spirit' in his heart.
He and I Last shook hands on August 13, 1999.
The day lung cancer moved my spirit into his heart.
The white man's world is one of "endless mistakes in recording"
that is seldom if ever corrected.
No doctor was on duty at the nursing home where I died so my marker in the Fort Smith National Cemetery has my death a day late on the 14th of august.
Attention to detail is a marker of something special.
Life is short and the grand scheme of things did not allow
me enough time to write some books I had planned. 33 chapters in all.
Bob promised his daughter to write about me,
But that would be hearsay evidence and we are in a public venue.
I will have to act as his public defender. Yes, that is Bob's voice singing But do not Fool yourself into thinking I did not create it with my first ex-wife from a previous life.
What God joined let no man put asunder. am I correct?
I am the Orwellian Totalitarian AKA The Spiritual-Master of Bob.
A Genuine Bonafide Judge of all. (All That Bob Does)
In political code that is known as a palter or "PALTERING"
Not allowed under oath for good reason.
The top-secret protocol is in play and parables because
language is fluid, dynamic, and Whimsical.+
I had ZERO time to rehearse the events of my life, and as I see it narrative scripting should have been tossed aside in favor of better record keeping.
The Book of Bud is my Top-secret Private journal 22 chapters so far.
11 more to go and I will have lived 33 years in Bob's flesh. That is the age Jesus retired.
Yes, Tribalism is Bible-ism and we can only retire by dying.
Unless you created an ignorant son
Then your work will never be done.
I had to recapture him almost every winter because he would escape
from my Oklahoma Blackberry Plantation and go south to Texas.
I believe there are laws against profiling people and the Federal Government has no plausible deniability of knowing the five Ws pertaining to my special appearance.
Who, what, when, where, and Why. Journalism basics.
Public media should begin reporting on Four Ws now. Only I may tell you Why.
I have come to return my stray lambs to the fold.
Blessings, respect, and love to all without prejudice, from the honorable
Lord Bud's New more Heavener Kingdome on earth.
What I trade it for is all my son's living flesh is worth.
A humble stonemason and self-taught law scholar
T-shirts will ensure there is no color on our collar.

Thanks to Pat Matrone for the wonderful backing track that fits perfectly with my arrangement of the two poems. Blues Style Backing Track/Guitar Jam in A minor

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