TOGETHER against vaccine passports. No vaccine passports EVER!

2 years ago

We have to this NOW. Please, stand up together, stand with us together. No vaccine passport EVER. Let's stop this RIGHT NOW.

We have to do this now. Please, stand up togehter, stand with us together. No vaccine passports EVER. We have to stop this RIGHT NOW.

Vaccine passports are illiberal, discriminatory and will fundamentally change society as we know it. We must stand together against them.

Please contact your MP today. Please sign the Together Declaration. We must fight vaccine passports and Plan B. We must protect a free society.

Let's say No to Plan B. No to vaccine passports. They're illiberal, they're damaging, they're wrong and guess what, they don't work. So let's sign the Together Declaration. Please, write your MP, let them know where you stand and let's stop this madness.

Vaccine passports are medically illogical. If you can still catch COVID and pass on COVID even though you're vaccinates, what is the real pint of the vaccine passport? If anything, they give a false sense of security and are more likely to spread COVID.

I am so angry at this ridiculous imposition of vaccine passports. There is no evidence whatsoever that vaccine passports work, so why are we doing it? Why? We musn't do it. Together and only together, we can stop this. Tell everybody, No to vaccine passports.

It's never been more important to say No to the passport system. Say No and stand together. Say No right now.

Together we can stop this. Let's stop the illiberal and unethical vaccine passports. It's time to get back to the old normal. It's time to end the restrictions. More and more people are feeling less afraid, but more and more angry. And together we can work to get back to normal.


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