Triggered? Try This!

2 years ago

In this video we discuss when other's opinions can be triggering, and how we can engage in self-analysis in order to rectify being triggered. This will allow us to carry a continued presence of peace with us in any situation.

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1) Does this opinion impact me personally in MY direct experience?
2) Does my opinion need to be heard on this matter? If so, why?
3) How do I know my opinion is the right opinion for someone else when I am not them and don’t live their experience?
4) Am I sharing a difference in opinion to open a healthy discussion or is it to attack someone who disagrees with me?
5) Is my opinion free from harsh judgment and expressed in a respectful way?
6) Do I feel good about the way I am sharing my opinion? Would I be ok if they shared their opinion like that with me?
7) Can I look beyond the difference of opinion and understand they have a right to believe whatever they want?
8) Can I abstain from derogatory remarks even if triggered?
9) Can I abstain from providing an opinion if it’s not required and unnecessary?





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In our book, "Rewiring The Process: A Transformative Guide To Effective Communication,” we offer a guide of self-reflective tools with our own personal examples that can be used to transcended older paradigms of interaction to arrive at a place of true presence, authenticity, and ideal expression. The book was developed for anyone in a committed partnership, or looking to be in one.

Thanks for watching, and much love!

#trigger #twinflame #spirituality​

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