63 12 29 0361B STS - Christ IS Coming - 1 Thes 5 - Dec 29 1963 - Dr. Wierwille english lesson bible

2 years ago

Scripture Index: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8
The word says of the times and seasons you have no need. Now there has to be a reason. The reason is that we need not know the times and the seasons because everything is already fulfilled in Christ. And this thing that he's writing about could happen right at this moment. It can happen next week. It can happen . . . none of our business we need not be concerned about it for the church is never concerned about times or seasons. Israel yes, but not the church.
For everything, everything in this chapter for the church was fulfilled - fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when God sent the holy spirit which is Christ in you the power of God. It is all fulfilled. Just a matter now of the church being called out. Just a matter of the Word of God reaching that person and he's getting saved and that person getting saved and when that body is full we're told that god knows the thing happens which we just read in the fourth chapter.
[1 Ths 5:1 & 2] But of the times and the seasons [chapter 5], brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord [the day of the lord] so cometh as a thief in the night.
The day of the Lord. The day of the Lord is the Lord's day not Sunday. Sunday is not the Lord's day. Sunday is Sunday. Monday is Monday. Soup is soup. Apple butter is apple butter. Peanuts, peanuts. Sunday. The Lord's day is the Lord's day. Its not Sunday. The Lord's day is the day when the Lord comes. Now the coming of the Lord, the Lord's day has two segments in it. Its like this: the coming of the Lord is like this, but it has two segments. One is the gathering of the church together. And the other segment is His coming upon the earth and the coming on earth begins in the book of Revelation. That's where this starts. But before the book of Revelation begins the church to which you and I belong will already have been caught up. That's what he's been talking about in chapter four. Understand?
Now, we'll see all this, this thing is terrific in here.
[1 Ths 5:2] ...yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. https://youtu.be/PTgx0VwQX1U
Now a thief doesn't forewarn you. He doesn't tell you when he's coming. He doesn't argue with you and say when I lock up the barn I'm going to steal the sheep tonight. No. He doesn't do it this way. Now watch:
Verse 3: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Now verse 4: But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a [what?] thief.
Well bless God, isn't that wonderful? He's coming like a thief in the night and he's going to surprise the blazes out of a lot of people but not you, not you. For ye are not, are not in darkness. You're not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Because you're born again of God's spirit, as a Christian, born again of God's spirit. That day can't overtake you as a thief because when he comes you're ready to go. See it? That's what kind of, that's why you're not in darkness.
Verse 5 says: You are all the children of [what?] light.
And if you are all the children of light then you are children of light.
[Verse 5 (cont)] you are the children of the day [it says]: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
You're the children of light. God is what? Light. Whose children are we? God's. Who is my father then? God. God is my father. I'm his child. If you're of someone, you have seed in you. Christ in you the hope of glory is the seed. The seed in you. The seed in you is what has taken you out of darkness into the light. And therefore when the Lord comes it can't overtake you because you're a child of what?
Light, you see? That's wonderful isn't it? That's why - what do you want to stew and fret about?
podcast - https://anchor.fm/drvpw/episodes/63-12-29-0361B-Christ-Is-Coming-pt-24-e1a385p
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