Digital eye strain treatment

1 year ago

digital eye strain cure method, that I personally use.
It is necessary to develop a habit to change the visual distance to the screen. For example, if you have a chair with wheels, you move it a little further every 15-20 minutes. Lean back and already you look different and the eye muscles are work differently. A very simple way that allows the eyes to rest.
Digital eye strain relief exercise
You need to develop a habit to use a laptop or phone with outstretched arms. Especially this is useful for people with myopia. The distance from the eyes to the screen increases, the eye muscles begin to work differently, and the eyes try to refocus to a farther distance, and this helps to improve vision well.
The most important thing is to acquire this habit of moving away from the monitor, aligning your back, removing all tension from the body, and enjoying the process.

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