Myopia treatment best exercise outdoors

1 year ago

First, we relax our eyes and gently, without tension, look into the upper left corner for 5 seconds, then close our eyes or blink and wait until the eyes themselves return to the center and eye muscles relax for 3-5 seconds. How long we watch – the same time we wait. Gently look to the lower right corner and wait until the eyes return to the center and relax. Feeling eye muscles relaxation is very important. Look in the upper right corner and wait while eyes return to the center. Look In the lower-left corner and wait until eyes return to the center, we relax our eyes and feel this relaxation of the eye muscles. On the street, this exercise is more effective, since the distance to the objects we look at is much further and the eyes look different. The main thing is not to squint and not to strain your eyes and do without glasses.
We look at the second exercise along the contour of an imaginary circle. We present a small circle at a great distance of about 5 meters from you, so it is much more effective for myopia. And we do one rotation clockwise and one counterclockwise to balance the work of the eye muscles.

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