♠ The White Horse of the Gospel - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: The White Horse of the Gospel. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Revelation, the last book of the Bible, describes four horsemen ushering in the end of the world as we know it. A white horse takes the lead and brings an urgent message to Christians everywhere. Discover the meaning of the message and how you should respond.

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Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
A. Heed the prophetic word (2 Pet. 1:19)
B. Hasten the coming of the Lord (2 Pet. 3:12)
II. Matthew 24—The Spine Of Prophetic Revelation Given By Jesus
A. The destruction of the temple (Luke 21)—fulfilled in 70 AD
B. What will be the sign of His coming?
C. Warnings
1. False messiahs
2. Wars and rumors of wars
D. Birth pangs/signs (vv. 7–8 [compare Matt. 19:28])
1. The birth pangs will bring forth the kingdom of God on the earth described in
Matt. 19:28
2. The closer the birth, the more intense the pains
3. Major international wars (began with World War I)
4. Earthquakes, famines, pestilences increase
5. Christians will be delivered up, betray each other, many false prophets will
rise up, love of many will grow cold
6. Those who endure will be saved
E. The answer: the sign (v. 14)
1. This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all
the nations, and then the end will come.
2. Will we hasten it or delay it?
F. Further warnings: focused on Israel (vv. 15–20)
G. The Great Tribulation (vv. 21–22 [compare Rev. 7:9–15])
H. Further warnings (vv. 23–28)
1. False christs and false prophets with miraculous signs and wonders
2. The whole earth will see Him when He comes
I. Final signs in the solar system (v. 29)
J. Personal return of Jesus in glory (v. 30)
III. Two Pictures From Revelation
A. The two harvests (Rev. 14:14–20)
1. First, Harvest of Grain = Ingathering of souls into the kingdom of God—the
outcome of the proclaiming of the gospel to all nations
2. Second, Harvest of Grapes = the grapes of wrath—the harvest of judgment
B. The four horsemen (Rev. 6)
1. The White Horse
2. The Red Horse = bloodshed, war and civil war
3. The Black Horse, carries scales = food rationing, but not for the wealthy
4. The Pale Horse = 1/4 of the earth dies
5. Martyrs of the Lord = multitudes will lay down their lives for the Lord
6. Heaven opens and Jesus (the Lamb) appears
C. The White Horse
1. A conqueror, in purity, who goes forth totally victorious = Jesus going out to
the nations (compare Ps. 45:1–5)
2. The White Horse must stay ahead of the other three horses
3. Mercy before judgment
4. Mercy does not cancel judgment

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