Guest Speaker - Darcy Schoening

2 years ago

Guest Speaker - Darcy Schoening
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Darcy Schoening, Monument, CO Trustee.
For more information about Darcy and her campaign visit:

The statements, opinions, and comments of the guest speaker or anyone in the following video do not necessarily reflect the views of the Log Cabin Republicans, any of its chapters, or its members. The purpose of this video is to create conversations and expose viewers to new and differing ideas. We encourage you to do research and come to your own conclusions.

The Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado are dedicated to working on the state and local level, both within & alongside, the Colorado Republican Committee/PARTY to advocate for the equal rights for all Americans, gays, and lesbians included. We firmly believe in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, individual responsibility, free markets, and a strong national defense.

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