Whoopi: "The Holocaust is Not About Race"

2 years ago

Antisemitism is not only prevalent in Congress, but also in Hollywood. Members of Congress and celebrities alike openly spew antisemitic rhetoric without any consequences. In the latest instance, co-host Whoopi Goldberg appeared on “The View” and made several antisemitic comments.

To start it off, Whoopi commented on the Holocaust by saying:

"[L]et’s be truthful about it because the Holocaust is not about race. It’s not about race. . . . It’s about man’s inhumanity to man."

She says clearly that the targeted slaughter of over six million members of the Jewish race was not about race. Whoopi doubled down on this claim in an interview on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert:

"When you talk about being a racist . . . I was saying you can’t call this racism. This was evil. This wasn’t based on the skin. You couldn’t tell who was Jewish. You had to delve deeply and figure it out."

When asked by Stephen Colbert if she has come to understand that the Nazis did indeed see it as a race issue after receiving backlash, she once again failed to apologize:

"This is what’s interesting to me. Because the Nazis lied. It wasn’t. They had issues with ethnicity not with race. Because most of the Nazis were white people and most of the people that they were attacking were white people. To me, I’m thinking how can you say it’s about race when you’re fighting each other? . . . So once again, don’t write me anymore. I know how you feel, okay? I already know. I get it, and I’m going to take your word for it and never bring it up again."

In other words, we should all just agree to disagree about her disgusting, factually incorrect, antisemitic opinion. And Whoopi Goldberg’s comments just added fuel to an already raging antisemitic fire. In a recent report by Amnesty International, they claim that Israel, since its existence, has been an apartheid state – systematically oppressing another group of people.

ACLJ Director of Government Affairs Thann Bennett explained how deep this Jewish hatred is:

"There were two main things that came to mind when this topic came up. First is how ignorant it is of history. The Jewish state was literally formed for a people group that were targeted for extermination. And now 70 years later, that same people group is being labeled apartheid because they [still live in] that safe haven. The ignorance there is just breathtaking. The second thing that came to mind is . . . this is the reason it is so important for us to be inside those chambers – the United Nations and all of its subsidiaries – because I want to tell people . . . the view that Whoopie Goldberg expressed today . . . it is not the minority view in those chambers. It is the majority view. And I will tell you when the United States Administration is silent on this issue as they largely are now, we are one of the only voices that stand up. It is not the majority view; it is the minority view. And it makes [the ACLJ’s] presence in those chambers more important than ever."

ACLJ Senior Counsel for International and Government Affairs Jeff Ballabon joined Sekulow to give his take:

"It is really unbelievable. My mother had two sets of parents. The ones that gave birth to her she didn’t know existed until she was 60 when she found out that they had been killed, and that the parents who raised her were her aunts and uncles who adopted her but never told her. We have the papers from her adopted parents who I thought were my grandparents. Literally, we have papers from when my grandfather was thrown out of university on the eve of becoming a doctor in Vienna. . . . it literally says – [o]n paper – on account of his race. The notion that now this is being denied that Jews aren’t a race which runs exactly coterminous with the idea that everything is about race and identity is a way to eradicate the right for Jews to defend themselves."

We will be there to defend the Jewish people every time. There is no place for antisemitism in Congress, in Hollywood, or anywhere around the world.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even more analysis of Whoopi Goldberg’s antisemitic comments and Amnesty International claiming Israel is an apartheid state.

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