Hillary Clinton Email, WIKILEAKS, and Julian Assange: HIGH CRIMES & TREASON against the USA

2 years ago

Video List:

Clinton Email Conspiracy Full Documentary 2016 #RIGGEDSYSTEM

Wolves And Sheeple
Published on Jul 5, 2016

The full length documentary covering the government conspiracy to cover up of Hillary Clinton's email server scandal. Today the FBI released a statement saying that Hillary Clinton should not be charged or indicted in her use of a private email server and her wreckless handling of classified and top secret documents. In this film I show exactly how the Clinton political machine allows them to operate above and outside the law. This is a massive conspiracy that goes as high as president Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch the attorney general, President Bill Clinton and the entire FBI, including James Comey. This corruption is a smack in the face. They barely even pretended to try to do the right thing. When the entire top tier level government officials stable works together to protect their own, you know that we live under tyranny. Guccifer and even Hillary Clinton Aides exposed the crimes of Hillary, and yet the FBI has the balls to tell us there is no evidence of wrongdoing. Intent does not make or break a criminal charge. If this was a normal every day citizen was caught doing the same thing, they would get the book thrown at them. This is my first full length film, and I put a lot of heart and effort into it. I hope it lends some information and entertainment. #imwithher #riggedsystem

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Keywords: Bill Clinton Loretta Lynch Hillary Clinton Email Email server scandal corrupt corruption conspiracy conspiracy theory government federal government scandal clinton presidential nominee obama coverup cover-up cover up hacked hacks hacker guccifer guccifer 2.0 documentary documentaries full length documentary full length movie documentation film full film full documentary lies liar lying 13 minutes straight james comey investigation probe results investigate investigation justice rule of law attorney general federal agency agents prosecution prosecutor prosecute law laws felony misdemeanor prison jail


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Nov 1, 2016

Federico Cardella InspoNews www.patreon.com/insponews
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The CIA globalists & John Kerry ordered the cutting of the cable of Julian Assange my friend in the Ecuadorian embassy - YOU TUBE (Globalist Google) has shadowed my videos and prevented 3 videos of mine since last Wed from being uploaded - figure it out - they are starting to censure- Obama took USA ownership of the internet away from us a month ago- the globalists are accelerating censurship of free speech - they will not allow Trump to win if they can - I was just able to successfully upload a video after talking to Google- but their are globalist geeks who work at You Tube who are shadowing my uploads and blocking ... I had the videos done since last wed! They are only releasing one today - AFTER THE ELECTION - figure it out!!!SHE'S MAD NOW! FBI &JIM COMEY WATCH YOURSELVES! Hillary is a dangerous witch & she is coming for you! Julian Assange & Wiki Leaks have just given me a preview of the SEVEN (7) FINAL BATCHES of Hillary Clinton that will DESTROY her & her CORRUPT, CRIMINAL political career for good! She's been a WEREWOLF but this time Julian & WEEEENER have given the FBI THE SILVER STAKE TO DRIVE THROUGH HER EVIL HEART! These 7 final batches outlined here are a jaw dropping revelations of her HIGH CRIMES & TREASON against the USA - that even the entire Syrian Conflict & destabilization of the entire Middle East -- was instigated by HRC & Obama & has led to untold human suffering. Here I narrate in radio talk show style info the 7 final revelations that will be released today (11-1-16) & over the next 6 remaining days until Election Day. GOODBYE CROOKED HILLARY! Federico Cardella 11-1-16
InspoNews CONTACT: 1-407-961-9480

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