
2 years ago

Why plant more trees!!!
Planting trees is one of the most efficient ways to reverse the environmental impacts caused by man on nature. It's a safe method! effective and relatively inexpensive compared to other ecosystem regeneration models around the world.

Faced with this desolate scenario! it is necessary to understand the benefits that planting trees can bring! not just for natural balance! but for the welfare of human life!

Trees keep the soil firm and prevent erosion and flooding
An adult tree can absorb up to 250 liters of water from the soil per day! With more trees around the riverbeds, the incidence of flooding! especially in urban areas! would be much smaller! The trees also prevent the slopes from sliding! that annually cause several tragedies around the world !especially in the rainy season.

The lack of trees on the banks of the rivers still causes an
domino. No trees to protect
the rain soil! the few seeds are carried by the water
before they germinate! what causes fewer births
of trees! maintaining a negative cycle. With the planting of trees
in strategic regions it is possible to reverse this situation and guarantee
Let nature do its work.

Trees help with air quality
This is perhaps the best-known quality of maintenance of the
planting trees, especially in large urban centers.
Each adult tree can absorb up to 163 kg of CEO 2 from the atmosphere
throughout your life! or 10.11 kilos of CEÓ 2 per year.
It seems little, but when we multiply by hundreds! thousands of
trees, the gain in air quality is palpable! but to have
this beneficial effect in a lasting way! it's not enough just to plant
trees at random. It is necessary to respect the native species
from each biome! maintaining the botanical characteristics of each region.

As a result, biomes can regenerate faster and enhance
purifying the air more effectively.

Planting trees helps reduce the impact of paper and wood production
If you like to read this is a great habit. But unfortunately books!
as well as many other artifacts! consume a lot of paper! The production
of cellulose is one of the industrial practices with the greatest environmental impact
in forests across the planet. Many native areas are cleared for
monoculture of trees such as pine and eucalyptus to extract cellulose.

It is quite possible that you have something in your house made of wood or
some compound based on it. Well, know that another sector responsible for
cutting down of millions of hectares of forests is the logging industry.
A way to minimize this impact! in addition to reducing the consumption of these artifacts!
is planting trees. So you make the natural cycle turn and pay! at least partially!
your debt to nature.

Planting trees helps in the maintenance of fauna
Listening to birdsong is not just an aesthetic pleasure! but proof that more
trees promote better integration and preservation of the local fauna! when planting trees
you're not just ensuring a better quality of life for you and your community!
but it will be helping different species to reproduce in harmony.
A good maintenance of the fauna provides a virtuous cycle! With more animals the seeds
are disseminated and generate new seedlings! maintaining the balance necessary for the development
of life.

More trees, more fruits
A lot of people don't know the pleasure it is to pick a fruit on the tree! Faced with the consumption of products
industrialized, there is an urgent need to change eating habits in search of a
more organic and natural consumption. Fruit trees offer the hope of the harvest! and that
connects us to our ancestors who cultivated everything they should consume.

This is a practice that can start simply! with the creation of a personal vegetable garden!
a small orchard or even planting fruit trees or edible plants in areas
greens! By valuing more the food power of plants, we are creating a path to
healthier diet and a more harmonious environment.

Planting trees is an act of personal fulfillment
Everyone knows the phrase! have a child! write a book and plant a tree! But
most people forget the real importance of inserting one more tree in the middle
environment! By planting a tree you are leaving a positive mark on the world! assuming
their responsibility to the planet and practicing an act of love.
A way to minimize this impact! in addition to reducing the consumption of these artifacts!
is planting trees. So you make the natural cycle turn and pay! at least partially!
your debt to nature.

Planting trees helps in the maintenance of fauna
Listening to birdsong is not just an aesthetic pleasure! but proof that more
trees promote better integration and preservation of the local fauna! when planting trees
you're not just ensuring a better quality of life for you and your community!
but it will be helping different species to reproduce in harmony.
A good maintenance of the fauna provides a virtuous cycle! With more animals the seeds
are disseminated and generate new seedlings! maintaining the balance necessary for the development
of life.

Contact with natural elements is very beneficial for mental health! Several studies
point out that children who play outdoors are less prone to mental disorders in life
adult! The same goes for people of all ages! As we get closer to nature
our mind becomes more focused and present.
the Environment is Life! Over more than 30 years of history! The Mata Legal project!
which operates in more than 60 municipalities! already recovered more than 10 thousand hectares with the planting of

Planting trees is not just an ecological act! but it represents a shift in consciousness towards
from the dilemma of environmental degradation! This is a way of acting effectively for the construction of
a better world for us and for future generations.

Each new tree planted carries the hope of a fuller and more integrated life! To the
we do our part we are setting a good example for a better world and we have become agents
for the creation of a true environmental conscience.

Vitor hugo leonarde research

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