The Porcupine Power Animal

1 year ago

When we connect to the spirit of an animal, it gives us an incredible feeling of support and love. In other words, they’re like guardian angels in animal form.

There are 28 species of porcupines in the world. They are solitary, good natured, and move at their own pace. Porcupines like to be in harmony with their environment, living in hollow logs, caves, or crevices. Quiet and vegetarian, they are skillful tree climbers and have great hearing. The passive porcupine has an excellent defense system of over 30,000 quills. Their self-protective stance allows them to live in a relaxed manner. If the porcupine is threatened, its quills rise as it turns around and runs backward toward their enemy. Porcupines dislike confrontation but will defend themselves furiously whenever necessary. They are calm even in stressful situations. Porcupines are curious, finding joy in the smallest things. Proud and resourceful, they have a playful, easygoing manner. They value their independence and freedom yet they mate for life.

The porcupine is a symbol of humility, protection, and fearlessness. They have a sensitive and trusting outlook on life. Call on the spirit of the porcupine when you need to defend yourself. Visit our website to get a free power animal reading and to connect with your spirit animal.

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