TERRIFYING: A U.S. Official Just Bowed To The Chinese Communist Party

2 years ago

With the opening ceremony for the 2022 Winter Olympics taking place this morning, the games have officially begun. And of course, China has already made several political statements. To start it off, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin – our two greatest adversaries – hours before the ceremony even began. In a hypocritical move intended to blind the world to the truth, China, which is responsible for genocide on the Uyghur population, gave the honor of lighting the torch to a Uyghur.

Here at home Speaker Nancy Pelosi is telling our Olympic athletes not to speak out and to be silent while they are at the Olympics. During a press conference, Speaker Pelosi warned U.S. athletes how to act:

"I would say to our athletes, you are there to compete. Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government, because they are ruthless."

She added:

"I know there is a temptation part of some to speak out while they are there. I respect that, but I also worry about what the Chinese government might do to their reputations, to their families."

We are scared that our athletes and their families aren’t going to be safe? Why would we send them there in the first place and put them in harm’s way?

Speaker Pelosi even openly acknowledged the genocide that China commits:

"When the Olympic Games begin tomorrow in Beijing, the Chinese once again will attempt to distract the world from a decades-long campaign of abuse and repression. But the United States and the international community know the truth, the People’s Republic of China is perpetrating a campaign of gross human rights violations, including genocide."

Why are we sending our athletes to a communist regime and telling them to act like a communist while they are there, unable to say anything?

ACLJ Senior Military Analyst Wes Smith questioned why the United States is even there if they can’t act like Americans:

"It begs the question, why are we there? Why is the International Olympic Committee allowing them to host? Why are all the corporate sponsors from America helping to sponsor the Olympics? Think about it. They are the world’s largest abuser of human rights. They commit genocide. They put one million of their own citizens in what they call reeducation camp, just a concentration camp in prison, internet fraud, intellectual property theft; they threatened Taiwan; they use slave labor to put products all around the world that we all buy. Vladimir Putin is no saint, but he is an altar boy compared to President Xi and the Chinese Communists."

Throughout history, the United States has made political statements at the Olympics. Yet today we are saying to our athletes, you don’t have those same freedoms anymore to do that. This just takes away from the athletes that have worked so hard to get to the Olympics and it could be their one time to speak out.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even more analysis of the 2022 Winter Olympics starting.

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