America’s Death of Love & Love of Death

2 years ago

How the Collapse of Romantic Love Eventually Leads to Anarchy

American Freefall: America is in free fall, but why? It’s not enough to simply blame everything on leftists who certainly lead the attack against our heritage and institutions. But what exactly is most to blame? Is it possible that once the West separated marriage and sex that it was inevitable the culture would collapse, all down hill from there? Yes, because the discipline of sexual continence was foundational to a regulated life. Even according to Freud, the sex-drive of a healthy society is sublimated in work for the development of the culture.This is called Sublimation. No healthy society can reject it. Is this why Americans prefer pets over people.

Sex Devolution: First, after the Sex Revolution deigned intimacy was a hobby, romantic tension was released from male and female interaction. Courtship disappeared, while dating began to evolve until marriage was removed as the main goal of the activity. Today, dating is merely a means for potential partners to meet, without any set goal. Which explains why this decoupling is so incredibly destructive to human thriving. Dr Robert Lustig: Pleasure vs Happiness. But can anyone imagine a rampant abortion industry, turning love into death, without these changes?

Scumbag Hef: Because once courtship was abandoned, no structure remained to guide evolving youth, as sex devolved into a simple passtime, yet inviolate and beyond criticism. Dating itself has no set rules. High Priest of libertinism, Hugh Hefner’s biography is now just published. It’s no shock Hef was a sick and twisted individual, luring starlets into compromise with naked fame. Hanging with the likes of serial rapist Bill Cosby and other lowlifes, Hef reportedly launched into gay trysts -- bestiality, and polygamy, while refusing to wear protection. A true devil with the morals of De Sade. From genius to disaster takes so few steps, claimed Napoleon.

Matriarchal Madness: So, the touching and vital purpose of life, illuminated by the drama of marriage and reproduction was diluted and derailed. As it still remains today. Leftism gave birth to infertile lovelessness. Families ceased functioning, taken over by solo females, birthing a permanent matriarchy, guided by cynical, all-knowing Feminism. The disaster of the matriarchy. And now we live in a society who has no concept of unbroken coupling as a goal, or that the notion of true or lifelong love was ever commonplace. Fatherlessness is a famous source of failure. Statistics here.

Love’s Discipline: As the discipline of love, the most powerful of human emotions, was frustrated, humans stopped emotionally flourishing. Meanwhile, families lost the extraordinary potential of growing functional and well-adjusted individuals. Love became lust, a misguided and frustrated instinct, debased while its regal power was finally diffused, no longer a mirror of God. Porn is the default sex education. Jacque Ellul describes the importance of romantic fidelity in What I Believe, the section Lifelong Love.

Rancid Romance: Romance has become a full-contact sport, where the experience of most is being used repeatedly, and episodically as an instrument. Unleashing torrents of human victims, fatherless kids made irrelevant to society, while abortion mills, psychiatric medications, and haunted individuals suffer. They intersperse lonely existences with meaningless trysts as cold, bitter, meaningless lives play out.

Decoupling Collapse: Understanding the dire consequences of the collapse of lifelong love, other aspects of regular life are decoupled and redirected, adding more chaos. For example, gargantuan multinational corporations toy with our diets, while we are poisoned by over-sweetened, oversalted foods, lacking wholesome nutrition, which never existed before, but are truly addictive. No wonder half America is obese. See, Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us.

Gulp Fiction -- Propaganda USA: Our schools are turned into propaganda camps. Children aren’t taught history, how to read complex books or the basics of logic, debate and composition. And so they graduate uneducated, like disoriented, shaky-legged baby gazelles. The naive youth represent pure victims for the Marxist demagogues who now infest America like an army of termites atomizing a balsa-wood forest.

Leftist Goal: From Mob Rule to Tyranny: U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, aka Guarantee Clause, states, “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government.” Yet, the government itself has abandoned republicanism, and now aims at a simple democracy without minority rights. Of course, the long term goal is a Marxist utopia, where no rights exist for anybody. And no Constitution exists since it's based upon a biblical theory of Natural Law, articulated in a Bill of Rights. This will perish forever under Marxism. Meanwhile, the current Democrat Party, government and media have joined and public policy is degrading American life across the continent.

Christ v. Marx: Christianity cannot exist alongside Marxism, because it too powerfully refutes their ideas and proposes facts communists understand to be like weedkillers to their fables. But moreover, Americans see defense of the downtrodden, poor and minorities are found in our Bible. Outside that, there is no philosophical defense of human life, which explains why so many innocent souls were killed in the USSR and Communist China, easily over 150 million victims. You Can Be A Christian, You Can Be A Marxist, But You Can’t Be Both.

Liberalism Brings Death: Why do Marxit governments kill millions of innocents? Since humans can’t truly conform to tyranny, and as the leaders have no belief in a God, soul, or judgment -- the easiest response to resistors is to kill them. In other words, when God’s Agape selfless love dies, only death survives. See: “Titan of Terror: The left-wing acolytes who say Karl Marx can't be blamed for the millions slaughtered in his name are deluded - bloodshed was at the heart of his philosophy”, stating:

“As the U.S. historian Stephen Kotkin has shown, the Soviet dictator was not a monster who happened to be a Marxist. He was a monster because he was a Marxist. As a young man, Stalin studied Marx's theories with obsessive dedication. Then, after winning power, he put them into practice. Stalin did not kill millions of his own people because he was mad. He did it because he believed Marx's theories required it. He thought their deaths were a price worth paying for the collectivisation of agriculture, the end of private farms and the coming of a socialist society.”

Scholar of Tyranny, RJ Rummel wrote: “Political regimes --governments --have probably murdered near 170,000,000 of their own citizens and foreigners in the 20th century, about four times the number killed in all international and domestic wars and revolutions” And almost all of these were murdered by Marxists. Most Marxists struggle with madness. Pol Pot’s Wife, Khieu Ponnary, was insane, spending time institutionalized. She was the first female in Cambodian history to graduate from high school, and loved Marx. Would Pol Pot have feared the Vietnamese if his wife hadn’t been ill? The Cambodian tyrant and mass murderer, encouraged by his hateful spouse’s paranoia, was immortalized in the Killing Fields:

“Revelations about Khieu Ponnary’s madness raise tantalizing questions. Those who knew her say that she was mentally ill as far back as the 1960s. In her illness, she fixated on the Vietnamese as a terrifying threat, complaining constantly to Pol Pot that they were trying to kill her, him and all Cambodians.”

Love of Death: If God is love, then the death of God brings life to death. Growth of Communism and loss of true religion creates a scenario where everything comes unmoored. Like a ship in the midst of a sudden storm where chairs, tables, furniture and all else flies free, smashing everything. Total destruction results. And with the loss of God’s theory of love in society, the love of death takes its place, where only the power of Hades is left over to warm men’s bones.

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