The Groundhog Power Animal

1 year ago

The groundhog is very curious and enjoys exploring new opportunities. They are clean, organized, and hard working. Mostly vegetarian, groundhogs are very intelligent and can tunnel large networks. Their hearing and sense of smell is sharp and they are good at swimming and climbing. Groundhogs achieve their goals through patient persistence. They spend half their time underground and are rarely far from a burrow entrance. They whistle to their community to warn of threats as they are always on the lookout for danger.

Groundhogs fatten themselves during autumn so they can survive a long winter hibernation. By lowering their body temperature and heart rate, they slow down their metabolism to achieve a state of near unconsciousness. Their long hibernation allows them to discover their true purpose. Groundhogs know how to journey to the invisible world to find the meaning of life and death.

They are a good example of balance. Groundhogs are symbols of hard work, dreamtime, and altered states of consciousness. Call on the spirit of the groundhog when you want to go deep within. Visit our website for a free power animal reading and to connect with your power animal.

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