Catching dinosaurs! Guess the weight of this marlin!

2 years ago

Caught My FIRST Blue Marlin!!
I go fishing for Blue Marlin off the coast of Golfito, Costa Rica, with Thumper Bluewater Expeditions. This trip was my first ever Blue Marlin fishing adventure! We started catching bait (small yellowfin and bonito) at sunrise. Once we caught enough bait, we set the teasers and started trolling for marlin. It didn't take long to get our first bite! Unfortunately, I lost the first marlin of the day. Within 20 minutes, I hooked the second fish of the day, my first ever Pacific Sailfish. After a short battle, we released the 100lb sailfish. Shortly after, I got another bite from a marlin! I fought the fish to the boat before it broke the leader. Harry said it was a Black Marlin. We touched the leader, but I wanted to touch the fish! It wasn't long before I hooked another Blue Marlin! We landed the marlin, and this time, I got to touch the fish! Catching this marlin was a dream come true! Later in the day, I hooked another Pacific Sailfish, and this fish was massive! After a short fight, I landed the giant sailfish. We estimated the weight to be over 140lbs, making this the biggest sailfish of my life! Before the day finished, we hooked one more marlin on a lure. This marlin was by far the largest fish of the day! After an intense fight, we landed the fish. The estimated weight was between 350-400lbs. Before releasing the fish, I jumped in the water and grabbed the marlin's bill. This fish tossed me around like a rag doll! It was incredibly special to be that close to a Blue Marlin!

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