COVID 19 Vaccine, Children and the risk of Myocarditis.

2 years ago

COVID 19 Vaccine, Children and the risk of Myocarditis.

The largest study I can find relating to this comes from the UK. It is derived from the NIH and is based on 42 million people of which 13 million have had the booster. Myocarditis is the risk that remains highly significant in children and in young adults. According to the CDC 96% of those under the age of 30 who develop heart or cardiac issues from the vaccine are hospitalised. It becomes a huge financial burden for families and the long term effects of vaccine induced myocarditis which would logically leave behind a scarred heart are largely unknown.

In the UK study I referenced, the Pfizer vaccine third dose increased the risk of myocarditis by 2 over baseline risk in the month following injection. This is compared to the risk of getting myocarditis followed a positive COVID test which is 8.4 times baseline risk. In males under 40 that receive the Pfizer vaccine that number increases to 3.4 times and following the third dose it goes up to 7.6 times. The risk of myocarditis following COVID infection in this group is 2 times baseline risk. Therefore the risk of getting myocarditis in the male under 40 is 4 times higher when one gets the vaccine compared to when one gets COVID.

While they have not reported on myocarditis in teenage males we know that this risk keeps increasing…. and we also know the risk of COVID infection decreases - not just because of their young age but also because the virus itself is becoming less and less pathogenic or disease causing as it continues to degenerate by mutation.

For children under 18 COVID is rarely fatal with the survival rate being 99.995%. Given that the risk of death in this group is comparable to the common cold it is hard to understand the logic behind giving a vaccine to children for which we know for sure there are significant risks and the long term effects are unknown. There have been no long term studies for the vaccine.

The FDA, the US regulatory organization have determined that the vaccine will give more benefit than harm for 5-11 year old. How they reached that determination on October 29, 2021 is quite mind boggling. It was determined on a study of 3100 children and then extrapolated to the entire population.

The determination is flawed for a number of reasons. It preassumes that all children in the US have not had COVID without realising that a significant portion of the population (at least 42%) have already had it. Given that natural immunity is better than vaccine mediated immunity the vaccine will only harm these immune children for no added benefit. When this number is included then the risk of hospitalisation and ICU stays is greater in the vaccinated cohort. Secondly the FDA vastly underestimates the risk of myocarditis in young children placing it at 106 per million children while the latest data says the risk is 208 cases per million children vaccinated (ages 12-17). When those numbers are included the harm caused by the vaccine increases still. The third reason that the determination is flawed is because it does not consider that a significant portion of children who had been diagnosed with COVID in hospital did not go to hospital because of COVID. According to a Stanford hospital study this number is up to 45% of ‘COVID infections’. Lastly, the FDA investigation also cherry picked the highest hospitalisation rate for COVID infections and did not consider the rapidly waning immunity from the vaccine.

Given that those on the board of the FDA are not unintelligent people and would likely have worked this out already …… why did they still recommend the vaccine to children? The answer is money, lots of money and a healthy serving of evil intent. (UK study 42m people) (under 18 survival 99.995%) (FDA vaccine better than disease) (myocarditis 208/ million in children) (45% children in hospital not there becasue of COVID

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