Retired RCMP officer Mark Foreman to Canadian Police

2 years ago

Retired RCMP officer Mark Foreman speaks to the poor leadership of the higher ranks in Canada's Police Services and of Justin Trudeau. Mark has trained thousands of Police officers throughout his career and many will recognize him.

"My name is Mark Foreman and I was a police officer for 23 years here in Canada. 10 years with the police and 13 years with the RCMP.

A lot of you police officers out there might recognize me because I helped train thousands of you over the last 20 years.

I just wanted to lend my voice to support those police officers who are standing up for people's charter rights in this country right now.

People like Corporal Richard Manor from the "??" who I worked with for 4 years. He recently lost his job. I'm sorry to hear that Richard, but when one door closes, others will open so stay strong.

People like Constable Howard who recently spoke up and lended her support for what's going on. Standing up for people's charter rights.

And apparently thousands of people wanted to be fired - which is pretty sad because this is the police officer you want working for you. Someone who recognizes your rights and stands up for them.

I want to recognize the constables and corporals who are speaking out - they have the most to lose.

Where's the leadership in the police right now?

The motto of the RCMP is "maintain the right" - I read where a French language scholar said it was more accurately interpreted as "uphold the law" - which makes total sense, that's what police are supposed to do, uphold the law.

Well, the highest law in the land, is the charter of rights and freedoms.

Some of us have already realized that the bar to enact section one of the charter has not been met. We don't need a constitutional lawyer to tell us this, and with all due respect, we don't need judges to interpret the charter to tell us what it meant by Section one.

We have one of the original writers of the charters. Mr Brian Peckford - the former premier of Newfoundland. He was there in 1981 when all the premiers and Pierre Elliott Trudeau our Prime Minster at the time, they all sat down and hashed it out.

Mr Peckford is trying to scream it out to the world right now of what the men who framed the charter - what they meant by it - what they meant for Section one to be enacted. So, look up Mr Peckford, listen to him - he's a very intelligent man.

I used the information to obtain a warrant as an example. If you write up your ITO - you get your warrant signed by a judge, you go execute your warrant, you seize the evidence, maybe make some arrests, but before you get to court, you find out that an informant lied - gave false information - or somehow the information to obtain the warrant wasn't valid. That means your warrant is null and void. Any evidence you gathered under that warrant is not admissible in court.

We're kind of in that situation right now.

These mandates and laws that have been setup by our governments under these emergency orders - the bar has not been met - section one has not been met, listen to Mr Peckford.

Not only that, all these governments, circumvented the parliament procedure in order to enact these emergency orders. So, in my opinion what's going on constitutes unlawful orders.

When I went into police training, I was told that I didn't have to follow unlawful orders. I don't know - I'm not telling anybody to do anything - I'm just asking questions and giving you my opinion.

To the government of Canada and to Mr Trudeau, your plan for this pandemic has been dismal. Your plan is akin to installing a screen door on a submarine - and when the submarine started sinking, what was your plan? Install a second screen door. When the submarine kept on sinking? Your plan? Install a third screen door.

That is literally the definition of insanity.

That's no plan.

Other countries around the world had good plans - what's wrong with looking to others to see what works?


Anyway, what's going on right now is kinda crazy. Mr Trudeau, you're the leader of our country, and I don't know where you took your leadership training, but you're not acting like a leader.

You are the highest ranking public servant in Canada and this is not how public servants act.

You need to come back and talk to these people. They're not scary people. I gave close-protection for a few prime ministers, heads-of-state, if you're intimidated to come back and speak to these people - I'll come back and speak with you, I'll stand beside you, I'll be your meat-shield. We don't have to fear these people.

There's a saying I'm sure you're familiar with, and that's:

Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

And Mr Trudeau, you've proven that you're not a leader. Unfortunately you're too arrogant to be a follower, so you need to just get out of the way."

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