NYT Attacks Wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, 3800

2 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Part of the coup d’état against America as we have known it, is a desperate search for a justification to add four additional justices – all appointed by the minions of satan – before President Trump can return to office 2 years and 11 months from last Sunday.

This morning, The New York Times put out the most outrageous hit piece on Ginni Thomas, the wife of Clarence Thomas, the longest-serving justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Written by Washington Bureau Chief, David Leonhardt.

His hit job fully qualifies as a piece of anti-American propaganda, straight from the CCP playbook. To me, this is the final straw in fully disqualifying the NYT as America’s newspaper of record. It would take 15 or 20 minutes to fully pick apart the outrageous leftist fake-news slant of this article, interestingly entitled ‘Brings Disrespect”, but I’ll do what I can in the 4-5 remaining minutes allotted.

Leonhardt opens by describing a Christian conservative group, the Council for National Policy, and its political arm, CNP Action and noting that Ginni Thomas is a member of that Christian group.

“[CNP Action] encouraged its members to spread stories about “election irregularities and issues” in five swing states that Joe Biden had won narrowly. The goal was to persuade Republican state legislators to adopt Trump’s false claims about election fraud…”

First of all, Trump’s claims of election fraud are not a minority opinion. As of October, the belief was widely held by 56% of the public, and that number grows with each passing day. So, merely stating it is a “false claim” does not make it so. And the existing evidence is only that which has squeeked it’s way out to the public, despite herculean suppression efforts by the left at every turn and at every level.

Then the NYT author directly attacked Ginna Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, trying to pin the Jan. 6th violence on her actions.

“On the day of the rally, she posted a message on Facebook: “GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU STANDING UP or PRAYING!”

Good Lord, imagine a public figure suggesting that people pray!

But that’s not all, without a shred of additional evidence, the author concludes:

“The spouse of a sitting Supreme Court justice played an active role in an effort to overturn the result of a presidential election, hand victory to the loser and unravel American democracy.”

This would be laughable, if it were not a demonstrably false and an obvious attempt to continue the coverup of the nefarious agent provocateur actions of ANTIFA agitators disguised as Trump supporters who provoked the vast majority of illegalities that occurred during the Jan. 6 entry into the Capitol.

The author then goes on to try to connect Justice Thomas to the Jan. 6th riot:

“Thomas was one of three justices who sided with Trump and, his dissent echoed the arguments of C.N.P. Action…. Thomas effectively argued for giving partisan state legislators more control over elections and their outcomes.”

Uhhh, so sorry, but that is the way the United States Constitution wanted it – for each individual state legislature to govern the way federal elections are organized and administered in their own state. It’s known as the separation of powers principle upon which the entire United States Constitution is based.

Here is Wikipedia’s brief summation of what the Constitution has to say on the matter:

“While the United States Constitution does set parameters for the election of federal officials, state law, not federal, regulates most aspects of elections in the U.S., including primaries, the eligibility of voters (beyond the basic constitutional definition), the running of each state's electoral college, as well as the running of state and local elections. All elections—federal, state, and local—are administered by the individual states.”

Similarly, here is what you will find on the official WhiteHouse.gov site:

“Federal elections are administered by State and local governments, although the specifics of how elections are conducted differ between States. The Constitution and laws of the United States grant States wide latitude in how they administer elections.”

Apparently, the current resident of the White House has neglected to purge this from the White House website. I’m sure they will be able to remedy that before the 2024 election, however.

I could go on with this dissection of the NYT piece, but it’s simply more of the same – misrepresentations of the U.S. Constitution, exaggerations, and worse. But when done on such a sweeping scale, only one word really qualifies to characterize the whole – propaganda.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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