Glass Break Simulators

5 years ago

In this video, Joe discusses glass break simulators and how they are used. A glass break simulator is used to test a glass break sensor for proper operation. This device will produce a sound that mimics that of breaking glass. This sound will activate any glass break sensors in the area for testing.

With a glass break sensor, you want to ensure that it is actively picking up sound and alerting the system as it should. While you can test signal transmissions using the device's tamper cover, this will not allow you to test the device for proper sound activation. The only way to truly test a glass break detector is to produce the sound of breaking glass. Of course, you don't want to actually break glass. Breaking real glass is wasteful, dangerous and requires excessive cleanup. That is why we have glass break simulators.

A glass break simulator will mimic the actual sound of breaking glass. This allows users to test their glass break simulators without destroying their property. Some glass break simulators produce sounds that seem rather unusual. However, they are specifically tuned to activate glass break sensors. Most modern glass break sensors are finely tuned devices that can actively distinguish between true glass break events and other high-pitched sounds.

When purchasing a glass break simulator, it is best to choose a device that is produced by the same manufacturer as your glass break sensors if possible. Each glass break simulator is designed to activate glass break sensors by the same manufacturer. In other words, a glass break simulators produced by Honeywell may not work as well with glass break sensors produced from DSC. If you have DSC glass break sensors, then you should get a DSC glass break simulator.

Glass break simulators also tend to work more effectively than mobile apps designed to produce glass break sounds. When performing a test using a glass break simulator, make sure to activate the device from multiple angles and areas of the room. Check and see if the glass break sensor responds to the sound coming from different locations. You want to make sure the glass break sensor can pick up sounds throughout its coverage area.

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