Jesus will only protect the 14.00000 in the tribulation period and everyone else will be alone

2 years ago

Jesus has had enough and if you follow Jesus in the tribulation period you are alone and will have to prove you love Jesus even if they kill you, even if you are starving, even if you lose everything you must prove you love Jesus in a very hostile antichrist world that will hate God and everyone who refuses to bow down and worship the antichrist and got his vaccine mark of the beast, then I saw a beast rise out of the sea and he forced everyone great, rich, small, to get the vaccine mark of the beast and no one may buy or sell without the mark and anyone who refused to worship the beast was killed let wisdom know the number of the beast for it is 666, then I saw a third angel and he yelled woe unto everyone who worships the antichrist and got his for they shall suffer the fierce fiery wrath of the Lamb about to be poured out and will get painful boils on themselves and will be tormented in the presence of the Lamb and His angels and with burning sulfur and brimstone and they shall be tormented forever and ever and their torment shall never end, then I saw those who came out of the great tribulation and they were given white robes because they did not bow down to the beast nor got his image, the tribulation period is a time of God pouring out His tribulation judgements on everyone left behind, the antichrist and false prophet will rule to and will control everything and you can't enter stores without proof you worship the antichrist and if you do not they will take you off to a fema camp and kill you, you must not deny Jesus at all in the tribulation period or you are done, Jesus will be seeing who really wants to follow Him in the tribulation period even if it means you are killed for refusing to worship the antichrist, the tribulation period will be the worst time alive and many will be left behind and only a few will be saved, read Daniel to revelation, meet in secret and do not tell anyone where you meet because they will turn you in, stay out of the cities because they will be antichrist beast controled during this time and will know everything about everyone, help anyone you can widows, Jews, orphans because you must do good works , believe in Jesus and prove you will give up everything even your life because you are now in the antichrist beast world and you will suffer servere perscution now, do not go to any stores because they will know who has the demonic vaccine mark of the beast and will want proof you worship the antichrist, when the rapture happens and you are left behind repent as fast as you can and confess your sins and get into hiding as fast as you can, the antichrist will not waste any time taking control over the entire world, get food, clothes and bibles and go in the mt and live in a cave and learn to live off the land and do not go into town at all, Satan and his demonic fallen angels will be on earth and they will be very angry, after the bowl judgements end you will know that the great tribulation is ending and Jesus will come back on a white horse but that is at the end you are at the very start of the great tribulation and it is 7 years long, after the antichrist breaks the treaty with the Jews that will start the worst persercution ever and God will pour out His 7 trumpet judgements and 7 Bowl judgements and the bowl judgements will not go on anyone who doesn't worship the antichrist just the satanic antichrist vaccine followers because they will be killing everyone who doesn't worship the antichrist and will be rejoining about it to but they will not be when God makes them pay for worshiping the antichrist, getting his demonic vaccine mark of the beast and killing everyone who worships Jesus and they will curse God!! Demons will torment them, they will get painful boils on themselves, the sun will sorch them, and they will be all killed with the sword when Jesus returns in the second coming, the antichrist, false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire and everyone who worships the antichrist will be there to, this is what you will be going thru, God is giving you one last chance to accept Jesus or not, it is up to you to find God now and lose everything to follow Jesus even if it means your life, the early Christians did, the church did before the rapture and now you must to, do not get that demonic vaccine mark of the beast, God will not forgive anyone who worships the antichrist and gets his image at all, good luck to those left behind and stay strong in the most evil hostile wicked world now

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