Amazing Football facts Part-5

2 years ago

Football Club With Most Letters

One of the most bizarre football facts is that there is an official football club with most letters. The Dutch football club which is often called NAC Breda. The full name of this Football Club from the Netherlands consists of 83 letters, yes! 83 letters.

NAC Breda stands for, Nooit Opgeven Altijd Doorzetten Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning Combinatie Breda. Talk about crazy football facts.

The Match That Brought Ronaldinho Into Limelight
The great Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho went on to become one of the best players the game of football has ever seen in the history of its existence. At the age of 13 years, the Brazilian footballer was part of a game where his local team won the game 23-0.
Ronaldinho, at just 13 years of age score all the 23 goals in that match. It was 1988 in the middle of Porto Allegre, Brazil.

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