Ukraine status now. Second phase begins.

2 years ago

Ukraine updates
Real news pipe flow slows down.
US advised Ukraine takes action to maximize civilian casualties for information war drama to be fed to the West .
The Hedgie man is the real Boogie man.

Steve Paikin (Canadian Ben Shapiro?) interviews Michael Millerman about Dugin. This interview was done in 2014. Paikin didn't have a clue, and likely still doesn't. Millerman did not have enough confidence to point out (as Dugin does) the inevitable place that Liberal Democracy leads to, which is world wide techno-corporate tyranny. Have the last few years vindicated Dugin? I think so, and the near future will continue to do so.

Links for the most current information on the ground. Please please subscribe to their channels.
Patrick Lancaster.
Regis in Yalta.
Texas man on the ground in Donbas
My buddy John Mark Dougan

Here is a nice geo-political rundown of current events. I don't agree with everything, but it has a lot of information in it. Ray McGovern is a national treasure!

Good site here.
Inessa S has been translating Putin's speeches and letting them stand on their own merits.
She is on Paeteon also
I have met this German journalist. She has been in the Donbas for a long time. She is doing great work.

And finally If you are on Facebook, this group has the best information I know of. Look them up and join. Republic Novorossiya
Here is a website I have known for years.

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