Dogs’ Sleeping Positions And Habits Tell You A Lot About Their Personality And Health 2022 #2-Dog

2 years ago

The positions dogs sleep in, the way they twitch or move, and the amount of time they spend napping can reveal a lot about how they’re feeling.

Sleeping habits can give clues about a dog’s health and happiness that you can interpret if you know what to look for. Of course, if you spot anything unusual or different about your dog’s sleeping behaviors, you should get to your vet for a checkup.

DogTime recommends this dog bed to give your pup a good night’s sleep!

Here are a few things to take notice of when your dog is sleeping and what they might mean.
Pay attention to the position your dog sleeps in most frequently. Your dog’s favorite sleeping position might change based on where they’re snoozing, who they’re sleeping near, or if they’re feeling a certain way.

Injuries or soreness can also cause a dog’s sleeping position to change, so if you notice anything unusual in your pup’s sleeping position, keep an eye out for signs of pain. Get to the vet if anything seems off.

Below are some common sleeping positions and what they might mean.

1. On The Side
A dog who sleeps on their side has to feel pretty safe and comfortable, as it leaves the vital organs exposed.

Dogs who favor this position tend to be pretty easy-going and relaxed, though they may switch to a different position if they’re sleeping somewhere new or around someone they aren’t familiar with.

This position also leaves their limbs free to move during sleep, so you may see more twitching and leg kicks from a dog lying on their side.

2. Curled Up

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)

A very common position dogs take when sleeping is to curl up in a ball, nose-to-tail. It’s a common position for animals to take in the wild too, as it protects the vital organs, helps conserve warmth, and makes it easy to get up quickly.

This position restricts movement during sleep, so you may see less twitching from a dog who snoozes in a ball.

You might think that a dog who sleeps in this position would be uncomfortable in their surroundings, and while that may be the case, it’s not necessarily true. It’s a common position in fall and winter months when the weather is cool, or it may just simply feel better for a particular dog to sleep in that position.
3. Sprawled Out On The Tummy
This is sometimes called the “Superman” position. It allows for a dog to pop up and be on their paws right away.

You often see this position with puppies who need to nap frequently but also want to be ready to jump up and play at a moment’s notice.

Dogs who sleep in this position don’t want to miss a chance to be in the action, even while they’re napping. It’s the position of choice for high-energy pups or pups who get sleepy during play and just want to plop down where they’re standing.
Thank for watching:)🐕🐕🦮🦮🐶

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