Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Foreign Ministry on Ukraine Issue

2 years ago

Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Foreign Ministry on Ukraine Issue

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea answered a question raised by the Korean Central News Agency on February 28 as regards the recent sanctions and pressure against Russia intensified by the United States with the Ukrainian situation as an occasion.
As was known, the Ukrainian situation is now drawing the attention of the international community.
It gives rise to the hegemonic policy of the United States and the West which are engrossed in high-handedness and arbitrariness against other countries.
The United States and the West have systematically destroyed the environment of security in Europe; they made an undisguised attempt to deploy offensive weapons system while doggedly promoting the NATO's expansion to the East in disregard of the rational and just demand of Russia on providing a legal guarantee for security.
The United States and the West had already reduced Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya to debris. It is illogical, however, that they are now talking about "respect of sovereignty" and "territorial integrity" as regards the recent Ukrainian situation triggered off by them.
The greatest danger the world faces today is the high-handedness and arbitrariness of the United States and its vassal forces pulling down the basis of the international peace and stability.
The reality clearly proves once again that peace can never be settled in the world as long as there is the unilateral and double-standard policy of the United States threatening peace and security of a sovereign state.

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