The Great Reset's Plan To Seize Your Home

2 years ago

Entire Cities Are Now Being Taken Over.. Add me on tiktok @thisisjohnwilliams

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We are going to see a whole new world, especially a world in which you own nothing or very little in the name of sustainability through new uses of land and new ideas of who is appointed a leader to direct these new changes. There is a new law being proposed in Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas where all of the private property, water ways, land, bridges, sewage plants and all utilities and public property will be taken over. This is the plan to seize private property and it is not just happening in Tennessee, Mississippi or Arkansas, it is beginning to happen in many different markets all over the country. Do a quick search of your market and see if your real estate market is next for a major transformation.

Many people are not aware of what is happening to private property rights and private landownership but soon they will, the great reset is real and this is a strong plan to seize private property through this new law.

Do you think that this plan to seize private property will work? Very similar actions are occurring now in places like New York and Los Angeles.

Drop your real estate predictions below and let me know what you think about this new law that will impact business, commerce and private property ownership.

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