Edward Dowd Explains How Thousands Of People Have Died From COVID Vaccines

2 years ago

Appearing on The Alex Jones Show, Wall Street Analyst Edward Dowd reveals that the CDC's own data indicates 61,000 millennials -- people from ages 25 to 44 -- have died after the implementation of vaccine mandates. This is approximately the same number of solders that died during the during the Vietnam War (58,000). "This is death by government mandate -- democide!" says Dowd. "I'm becoming increasingly . . . convinced that this was a plan, rather than just power and greed. I need a little more evidence, but I'm leaning towards that at this point. I'm data-based, data-driven. It is starting to look super ridiculously ugly from that standpoint."

"The over 65 generation saw 306,000 excess deaths in the second half [of 2021] into February of this year. That is a World War 2 event. 290,000 people died in World War 2 from the U.S."

"I suspect we are going to see global food riots in the fall, maybe the summer going into the fall. It's going to be like the Arab Spring, but across the globe. You know the math on inflation: once food [costs] becomes 50 percent of your disposable income, food riots usually ensue."

"My recommendations to Americans is don't freak out, don't live in fear. Just tighten your belt. Learn how to fast. Fasting is good for the soul, good for the body. I do it all the time."

"If you have a lot of your identity in your bank account, in your job, in the stuff you have, you need to stop that right now because it is going to become less than worthless over time. What you need to do -- and what I've been doing and others have been doing -- is establishing human connection, relationships, a tribe, people you can rely on."

Democide Definition:

"Democide is a concept proposed by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command." According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims, killings by mercenaries and unofficial private groups, extrajudicial summary killings, and mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines like the holodomor, as well as killings by de facto governments..."


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