Ukrainian Drone In NATO Airspace. Does The US Want To Confront Russia? Drone Crashes In Croatia.

2 years ago

Ukrainian Drone In NATO Airspace. Does The US Want To Confront Russia?
And here's why the vice president of the United states, Kamala, is coming to Bucharest.
The maximum that the US obtained from Poland was the OK in terms of donating MIGs 29 to the USA in exchange for equipping the Polish army with F-16 fighter jets.
And this, remember, for free!
Now the USA has some MIGs for which it has to find a carrier, to find pilots who know how to fly with them, to Ukraine. The Poles left the game alone, and the Germans refused to receive those planes on their territory. Thus, the arrival of Kamala Harris in Bucharest, a NATO member country, is made to order the Romanian authorities to take over the transfer of the MIGs to Ukraine.
If the Romanians accept, that could mean suicide for Romania. Romania is officially becoming part of the conflict, and Russia may consider that Romania has declared war on it.
What I find extremely worrying is that the United States really wants to start a major conflict with Russia.
This can be seen from the latest actions it has taken.
This is not recent, but from the moment of the coup d'etat of the "Orange Revolution".
I don't know if it's strictly a desperate attempt to remain number 1 the world , if it's a command of the US military complex, or - according to the latest information - if it's the "biological file" that the Russians are bring forward.
Who knows what great secrets must be buried in a war, far from American land, far from American citizens.
Or maybe we are dealing with a mix of all these causes. My certainty is that the United States is currently looking to start a full-scale war, and that is the worst news I can give you. Such a war will quickly swallow up many innocent lives. It's tragic.
Also, my fear is that the American administration will find fertile ground in Bucharest that will not be able to refuse the order from Washington.
And this is tragic because, if it happens, it will mean that a handful of people temporarily put in charge, in front of the American monster, will force the citizens of the smaller countries that have nothing to do with the war between the two mad brothers, Russia and Ukraine into a war that is not theirs. We are once again in the throes of history and, once again, in turbulent times and delicate actions. Here we are, continuing our unfortunate history.
In other news A Soviet-made military drone crashed in Zagreb - Croatia, today, March 11, 2022!
It was established that the drone belonged to the Ukrainian army, and that it first crossed the Romanian airspace, without being detected. Now the question is, why didn't the anti-missile shield installed in Romania and Poland react? Why weren't the NATO air force planes from Romania lifted in the air?
One of the many secret answers may be that the route of the Ucarinian drone intersected the Air Force 2 route, in which Kamala Haris was, on his way to Romania from Poland.
The answer from Bucharest was dry: The military drone that fell in Zagreb passed through Romania without being intercepted because the necessary conditions for this were not met.

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