25 Questions About 2020 Election Fraud, 3810

2 years ago


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Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

The coup against President Trump was unprecedented in technique and breathtakingly complex to the point of unbelievability in scope, however, certainly the crowning achievement in the infamy of it all was the bare-naked election fraud on election night, Nov. 3, 2020.

Yet, the bulk of publications in the United States will still categorize President Trump’s repeated claims that the election was stolen as “discredited” or “bogus” claims.

Emerald Robinson just put out a new story today which demolishes the MSM’s claims that the 2020 presidential elections were models of fairness. She lists 25 questions that Democrats don’t want to answer because certainly at the top of the pile, they know that they cheated their way into installing Joe Biden – certainly the least intellectually and least healthful presidential candidate in history – from taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Embedded within her story are many links which support the veracity of these facts of election fraud. Here is the link to her substack site: https://emeralddb3.substack.com

Why was vote counting stopped on election night in several swing states?
Why did vote counting delays only happen in swing states?
Why were election observers barred from entering their assigned vote counting stations in swing states?
Why did Trey Trainor, the chair of the Federal Election Commission, declare on TV that election "observers have not been allowed into the polling locations in a meaningful way" and that “if they're not, the law is not being followed, making this an illegitimate election” on November 6th, 2020, 3 days AFTER the election?
Why are any electronic voting machines hooked up to the Internet?
Why were votes from the 2020 election sent overseas for “processing” and “tabulation” purposes?
Why would votes from 30 states in America be processed by a Canadian firm?
Why would the company that “tabulates” votes for 800 American counties be a recently bankrupt Barcelona-based firm with the Department of Defense as its best-known client?
Why would America’s electronic voting machines be under the ownership of citizens from foreign nations?
Why are so many electronic voting machine companies owned by shell companies?
Why did it take Maricopa County (Arizona) two weeks to count its votes?
Why did an audit expert find 74,000 more votes were counted in Maricopa County (Arizona) than were mailed out?
Why did Mark Zuckerberg fork over $400 million to his personal charity to run a parallel private election system in 2020?
Why did the Special Counsel in Wisconsin just release a report that called Zuckerberg’s donations in five Wisconsin counties a classic case of bribery?
Why did AG Merrick Garland at Biden’s Department of Justice threaten to interfere in a post-election audit conducted in Arizona — and authorized by the state of Arizona?
Why did a county circuit court judge in Wisconsin rule that the Wisconsin Elections Commission had run the 2020 election in an illegal manner?
Why have the voting machine companies refused to comply with subpoenas from the state officials of Wisconsin?
Why do the voting machine companies refuse to have their machines inspected even though these machines are used in public elections?
Why is a federal judge in Georgia refusing to release a report by a cybersecurity expert who inspected a Dominion machine and found it vulnerable to hacking and manipulation of the votes?
Why has Dominion Voting Systems refused to comply with the post-election audit in Arizona — which was ordered by the State of Arizona itself?
Why are more than 300,000 ballot transfer forms missing in Georgia’s 2020 election?
Why did Dominion Voting Systems fail to show up and answer questions from the elected officials of Pennsylvania after the 2020 election?
Why do 204,430 mail-in ballots in Arizona have mismatched signatures?
Why do 740,000 mail-in ballots in Arizona have broken chain of custody?
Why did the Wisconsin Special Counsel find that 50 nursing homes had 100% voter turnout and that cheating was widespread?

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom, good day.

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