Price Of Gas - More Control Coming

2 years ago

Gas prices are now above $2 per litre in these spots across Canada

Although Vancouver was the first to do it in Canada, multiple other spots across the country have now joined in the $2 per litre club at the gas pump.

According to the latest daily pump price survey from Kent Group, the average price of gas across Canada sits at $1.868 per litre for Wednesday, March 9.

Gas prices are only 4 cents from all-time high — and there’s no end in sight

US gas prices are poised to hit record levels within hours or days as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine further upends the global energy market – leading to higher costs for American motorists.

The national average price of a gallon of gas was $4.07 on Monday afternoon – just four cents off from the all-time high of $4.11 established on July 17, 2008, according to AAA.

And prices at the pump are expected to surge even higher if the US follows through with a ban on Russian oil imports in response to the Ukraine invasion.

As Gas Prices Soar, White House Doubles Down On Green New Deal

The Biden administration this week continues to push its long-term plan for a “Green New Deal” energy transition as some sort of solution for the immediate issue of skyrocketing prices for gasoline at the pump. It is a strategy devoid of logic or reality, one that is unlikely to satisfy drivers who see gas prices jump every time they must fill their tanks.

Psaki: High gas prices are a blessing in disguise

High gas prices: A blessing in disguise?

Today, let’s shift attention to sky-rocketing gas prices … and Biden’s “what me worry” attitude towards something that the vast majority of Americans consider an economic crisis.

The Dem’s narrative: Certainly not Joe’s fault, and there’s nothing he can do about it since OPEC won’t cooperate.

Of course that’s silly.

Biden declared war on gasoline (and natural gas) … terminating the XL pipeline project, halting drilling on government lands, and hassling frackers.

With the stroke of his ever-ready Executive Order pen, he can reverse the policies that he unilaterally executed. Gas prices would tumble and the effect would quickly spread through the economy.

He can reinstate XL, reopen Federal lands to drilling and extend an olive branch the energy companies.

Tucker Carlson, The Government Need for Control is a Reaction to Their Fear

Tucker Carlson used his segment on the Canadian Freedom Protests Friday night to emphasize a point we have made for many years. The government need to control the truckers in Canada is a reaction to fear.

The administration of Justin Trudeau and also Joe Biden are fearful of the working class people the truckers represent. Those who consider themselves elite are the few, we are the many. Those who live atop society, in politics or positions of influence and affluence, are becoming increasingly fearful.

Chilling scenes as Trudeau crushes crowd; snipers on buildings, elderly trampled by trooper’s horse

Some Liberal gun-control reforms passed last year might be delayed until 2022: memo

A briefing note prepared in June for Public Safety Minister Bill Blair says a series of steps must be taken before all of the provisions in Bill C-71 are in place

Some Liberal gun-control reforms passed last year might be delayed until 2022: memo

A briefing note prepared in June for Public Safety Minister Bill Blair says a series of steps must be taken before all of the provisions in Bill C-71 are in place

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