Why Latinos Hate The Term Latin X & why it doesn't work in Spanish

2 years ago

The term Latinx is a completely made up term this is meant to be a gender neutral replacement for the term Latino to refer to Latinos. However, anyone who speaks Spanish or so much as understand the grammatical structure of the Spanish language, or other similar gender based structured languages can tell you the several problems with this term. I just want to point out the main one. The ignorance the term was born out of. To understand what I mean by that as well as understanding more about the term itself and why it isn't very much liked; please continue to watch the video right in front of you, (& thank you for your view) or click on one of or several of the links down below to understand more. The links below are videos referenced in my video as well as sources for my research into this term & topic.

The term itself was born about 7 to 9 years ago. But has only recently as 3 yrs. ago has picked up a lot of steam on social media. Of course we now know the opinions are against the term and fell it's officially out stayed it's welcome. In fact, it was never wanted or needed in the 1st place by the said ethnic race of people it's meant to describe. We never wanted it. It my be an official word in the English dictionary/language, but it will never be welcome into the Spanish dictionary/language. Or any other Gender based structured language for that matter of fact. It's about time that term die off and be forgotten. Or at the very least just a bad, annoying, & disrespectful memory.

Oh, & if you couldn't tell by now, I'm speaking from the perspective of a Latino Myself.

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Article: https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2020/08/11/about-one-in-four-u-s-hispanics-have-heard-of-latinx-but-just-3-use-it/

How to know if a Noun is Masculine or Feminine (Spanish)- Senor Jordan

The Real Talk Pushes LatinX Nonsense- Actual Justice Warrior

Why Do We Say "Latino"?- Origin Of Everything

What's the difference between Latino and Hispanic?- WonderWhy

Stop Saying "Latinx" (It's LATINO)- Edward Chapa

Why we need to stop saying Latin-X - Bryan Torresdey

“Latinx” Isn’t Going to Happen! Dems Backtrack on Stupid Term | Louder With Crowder (CrowderBits)

My Grievances With The Term “LatinX”: Cringe, Useless, Offensive!- B.C. Hharr

why i don't say "latinx" anymore (Stream Highlight)- T1J

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