🔥 The State Dept Paying >$2M/mo for 24-hr Security for Mike Pompeo

2 years ago

Devo Sec of State Pompeo

'The State Department says it’s paying more than $2 million per month to provide 24-hour security to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a former top aide, both of whom face “serious and credible” threats from Iran.

The department told Congress in a report that the cost of protecting Pompeo and former Iran envoy Brian Hook between August 2021 and February 2022 amounted to $13.1 million. The report, dated Feb. 14 and marked “sensitive but unclassified,” was obtained by The Associated Press on Saturday.'


In addition to Pompeo still receiving 24 hour security, when Trump left office he extended secret service protection to Mnuchin, Meadows, and O’Brien for 6 months.

Still trying to see if it was extended but these are all major players in Devolution.



Credit: Patel Patriot


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